
It could be because of the fact that he was more on NeXT than Istuffs

No no, he did the july one too

Her voice is so annoying. Only in our day and age such a voice could become one of the biggest music stars in history....

ha! I knew it!

I guess from now on aapl has become a sell...

Pretty awesome

Atomickey Bomb

oh my god... it's freaking AWESOME!

hm.. first, taxes. As soon as your item will be shipped wherever you are, there you go, a nice 20+% of taxe income. Then you have to check if the insurance is worldwide, but it probably isn't, but with a few 100$ you may have it. Uh, guess what? It's cheaper to buy in europe for a european :)

One could say you could have started from the end and save a lot of time :D

same here

For everyone complaining about the price, it just proves that you are not the target they are aiming. I gladly pay for having valuable informations without the hassle of advertising everywhere (like free newspaper) plus (and it's a big plus if you live on those information) the doubt that the information itself is not

Tell that to the poor J. Travolta's kid

I hope you understand now how stupid and inconsiderate was your post

wow, you are already posting against any anti nuclear argument when NO ONE in this thread actually started arguing about... quite a prejudice, And by the way, for now they said the CAN'T repair it. But I'm sure everything will work for the best.

