Dixie Flatline

I’m also pretty sure they don’t say anything about anyone’s inalienable right to perform at a music festival.

It’s remarkably easy to find templates and instructions for fake negative tests and vaccine cards, and it’s unlikely that anybody at this festival who’s checking them is qualified to spot fakes. I’ll be shocked if evidence of some kind of cluster doesn’t come out of this in a couple of weeks.

Since “Spamfeller Loves Nazis” dismissed my response, I’ll re-write it here.

Did you all come from the same place, with the same weird, fatuous demand? No, I was disappointed by this event because it’s a game I enjoy playing with my son, and on this occasion it was disappointing and anticlimactic. If I didn’t care to play it, I wouldn’t be disappointed!

What an asshole. Now that EVERYBODY knows what his daughter looks like AND her name, this has become a dangerous situation in many ways. Something about this stinks. He should not be sharing "the story".

Amazing. His post states that a white actor with the same initial offer was allowed to negotiate while he, a black actor, was not.

mine doubles as my dining table

“I was... happiest to learn... coprophagophilia.” — The_Graendmaester_of_the_Void”

Yes. After the scene was filmed, Divine began to worry about becoming ill, so either he or Waters, IIRC, called the emergency room at Johns Hopkins, and said that their kid had eaten some dog shit, and asked what could happen. The response was, that if the dog was healthy, there should be no problem, unless it had a

Is that any excuse to be fictionally racist?

I backed to the tune of $300 back when. Your take is a lot like mine. More Shenmue, inject it in my veins, absolutely. But I feel like the number of scrolls available and the number of things to do are meant to be support a much longer game. A third village planned for the game was cut, possibly because they hit a

Convince game companies to actually punish people for saying shit like this. Like zero tolerance policies. You do this even once perma-banned.

I don’t. He comes off to much like a used car salesman.

Besides, it’s nice being able to say I’ve beaten Billy Mitchell’s official high score of zero every time I jump over a single barrel in Donkey Kong. Now it is I who am the King of Kong! 

Just be sure to paint the same side of each figure or else you’ll have a race war on your hands. (Obscure TOS reference)

No. Lisa has always been the mouthpiece for the writer’s shitty beliefs. hell in season 12-15 she esssentially stopped getting stories and just started announcing whatever d list celeb they had lined up this week.

The irony of you throwing a tantrum about other people’s feelings can be seen from space.

You need to get over your own butthurt feelings, you whiney little twat.

The argument that Lisa was the mouthpiece for the writers’ shitty beliefs because she’s Apu’s friend is kind of insane, no?

The first angry neckbeard posted eight minutes after the article went up. I wonder if they have a Google alert set up?