Dixie Flatline

#1 get some new friends, those are shitlords.

Yeah or how would it stay on top of the elephants otherwise?

Id watch it.

It’s super not funny if your an immigrant too. super. not. funny.

No mate. Loot boxes and fancy skins and the such were a thing far before that. They just picked up on the trend and ran with it.

At least I am sure that is EXACTLY how the development went innit.

Change the title to ‘Coked Up Dickhead Preys Upon Skagged Out Russian Model Simulator 2018' and it would be more accurate.

I would play the shit out of that Dr.

It’s a hard game. Try setting alight to a 5.

I puked a whole lot with the DK1, that thing was an amazing motion sickness machine. Almost put me off VR entirely. Glad I stuck with it though.

The 2 and CV not at all unless lag. My wife was so amused by the DK1 and its spew antics. Like about every 10 mins or so, I’d have to whip it off my head and take a run at

Rubber band server lag in first person VR on an MMO . Literally have puked from it.

Not tried for months but Vorpx is normally OK(ish) for doing VR in things that are not meant to be VR. It’s not great, but OK.

Get back to Vogosphere you useless sack of slime in an ill fitting human skin suit. If video games caused violence I’d be knee deep in dead by now.

See what I did there? OG Doom joke.

TBF mine has been sat gathering dust on the shelf for about six months or so now, once the novelty of doing ESO via Vorpx wore off, which was my main use (bit nasty tbf, nowhere near as nice as the official things) and I got bored of 360 videos and the such, I’m back using a screen for my game thrills.

hahaha classic :D

You make wonderful assumptions about who I am and what I support mate. Your frankly quite adorable. Your heart is in the right place I guess. :D  

Yeah, OK mate. My point being they gross over 15 billion in profit a year. One million seems a token effort to me, that’s what, a 1/4 of a day to them profit wise? Or since you seem to be enjoying yourself, hey, feel free to carry on telling the world is shit and its all my fault :D

Is it use of the word Dixie in my handle that made you confounded? Because that’s WIlliam Gibson mate, not Dixieland woo yee yaw?

“what they should be doing is handing out MAGA hats, a guide on how to be racist, and assault rifles!”

You got all that because I thought Disney were making a shitty token gesture?

OK THEN! Sorry Mr. Holmes, you are miles off.


woo. A poxy million.

Disney shit that overnight, nice token gesture tho.