Dixie Flatline

Fuck yeah!

Fuck that.

I think a modified Mona Lisa so that she’s holding a sign that says “The Most Popular Piece in the Louvre” would BE SOME SERIOUSLY AWESOME GEAR. I’d have that next to my velvet Elvis or Starry Night shower curtain. Classy af that.

Tenuous link, game is set in California. Heh.

C’mon man the first one was SHITE.

well, better go watch it then

ours do.

This was fucking great!! DO MORE PLEASE :D

Looks like the woman from the Ingress video’s to me.


that may be as is, but he or she is not correct.

So like the Bad Sports area in GTA Online then?

White Knight class was it ;)

You are clearly doing something wrong, ;) big hairy bloke here, and I always play a lady avatar because 9/10 the clothes and hair are better, and I get chatted up A LOT. I like to take the gold, then inform them I am probably older than their father and have a more impressive beard.

My wife gets chatted up a bit too.

Hows about just some random gamers, from various different social economic backgrounds, ages and areas, see how everyone does their thing :D

I’d read the hell out of that.

Sorry but do fuck off.

That’s my entire argument.

Oh! I’ll eat my words then! I figured it would not checksum on a real one!

I’d guess it’d not pass the checksum.