Flat Six

Isn’t Tesla always the answer in an oxygen free atmosphere?

Owl Creek Bridge was the first time I ever read this kind of plot twist. It blew my mind at the time! There have been a few adaptations, including on Twilight Zone

I believe you are driving too fast Mister Frodo.

This is an industry wide problem. I’m not saying that Facebook is beyond reproach, but I don’t think Google, LinkedIn, Apple, Intel, Microsoft, etc... are much different.

Me too. 36 is probably peak Optimus emotional sensitivity because we were ~7 when the movie came out. If we were younger we wouldn’t remember or if we were older we would have been more jaded.

If you get Skunk Works make sure to translate the Morse code :)

Dont have to wait...

I am EXTREMELY biased, but I think that the 997 has just the right amount of luxury. When you get in you are comfortable, feel special and are ready to drive hard. You don’t feel like you are in a wood paneled jewelry store and afraid to touch our scratch anything. The 991 is too fancy for my taste.

You don’t need to soak wood skewers if you put a piece of tinfoil under the exposed handle. That is much more effective to keep them from catching fire.

For my 911, I would like a meter that tells me how long I have until IMS failure

Describing the space as “huge” might be an exaggeration, but good question. Maybe lots of customers put in a roll cage.

Yeah if they can’t use a cup at home, then you don’t need to try at a restaurant. Also the kind of restaurants I go to usually have paper/plastic cups and not fine crystal!

I don’t understand why my wife has to take waterbottles for everyone when we are going directly to a restaurant. I have never been to a restaurant that didn’t have cups of water. Even the partially washed cups at some sketchy dive are probably cleaner than germ infested water bottle nozzles.

You just have to watch ;)

I mean why do they call it a Mustang when it has two doors and isn’t actually a horse?

Maybe you are training to be a Faceless Man.

Say YARP one more time. Say it!

I heard the asymetrical lower vent is for transmission cooling

China has a culinary diversity similar to Europe. American Chinese food takes a small cross section of that (i.e. a “best-of”) and makes it blander and sweeter, adding in some home grown dishes invented here. Labor is cheaper in China so more elaborate dishes and handmade noodles/dumplings are common. Most American