Oooops! Spelled it wrong! My twee settings must be turned up to Wes Anderson levels...
Oooops! Spelled it wrong! My twee settings must be turned up to Wes Anderson levels...
Are you sure it’s not Caribou Coffee? Properly spelled. Cause I love Caribou and it is from Minnesota also and Google keeps redirecting me to Caribou.
I prefer serrated edges myself.
If people are out there buying this off-brand water bottle, who’s going to buy the NCAA licensed water bottles?
Only Reliant Recovery Water, which saved Russell Wilson from a concussion, works. He swears! Well, he doesn’t actually swear, or Ciara would make him sleep on the couch for an additional 2 years on top of his 40 year celibacy program.
Please. He’s a pink chablis man, through and through.
Man, between this and the players asking for a social justice month, I bet the Ginger Hammer is going to be pounding the white zin tonight. After it breathes a little of course, he’s not an animal.
Should have drank more water.
I deplore what the NFL has done to hide the side effects of playing football to it’s players.
Where is that jacket from? I may need to own it like yesterday.
We desperately need an earnest beauty tutorial on this exciting new look, Jezebel.
You’re raising a great kid!
SO happy to hear this about my boyfriend Leo. Don’t @ me. The heart wants what the heart wants.
True story about Melissa Joan Hart: My mom used to work for Make-A-Wish foundation. She escorted children on celebrity meet and greets. Melissa Joan Hart met the kid for a half an hour and then hopped up and told the family she had to leave because she had a tennis lesson and left. This kid’s one dying wish...…
Let it be known I welcome any conspiracy theories about whether or not Nutmeg really died of old age...
I feel like ultimately this has comed down to People Taking This Seriously vs. Everyone Else.
This is true, but personally the greater issue is that this is something that’s been following him for some time, largely thanks to Gawker. There’s never been a single allegation plead with specificity, and the alleged victim(s?) have all actively denied that it was him in the rumors. As someone on another post…
Not true, at least for me. I’d be uncomfortable condemning anyone if the only evidence of wrongdoing was second and third-hand rumors, and if the supposed sources of those accusations started directly refuting them.
The thought that progressives somehow wouldn’t be prone to the same “tribalism trumps truth” sort of behavior was always a silly one to me.