
I can still (in my mid 30's) do the splits, but I can only sit in them for a hot second and then I have to pull my legs back in. I *might* have been able to sit a little longer when I was younger, but no fucking way would it have been 20 min. That’s just torture. Fuck that teacher.

I’ll participate in splits only when you show me a banana.

I never saw the first Avatar.

What he’s missing is that it doesn’t have to be Wonder Woman OR Sarah Connor— we can have BOTH. They’re completely different women, because there isn’t just one type of woman, and the idea that we can only have one archetype of feminist icon is fucking stupid.

This. And her point about being pretty much the only female comic to sell out arenas is valid. Whether you personally like her or not is irrelevant. She stars in movies that do well at the box office and is a big name in comedy, and I’m not going to rag on a woman for trying to get paid more. It’s fucking shameful

A woman negotiates, 90% of the public responds with personal attacks. How do they know how unfunny she is in all of her specials if they are not watching her specials?

she deserves whatever she can get, just like everyone else.

Google is your friend.

She could’ve given the weakest, emptiest of PR statements, but we get this. Brie Larson is a class act.

This is one of the best statements I’ve seen from a celebrity. Reading “I believe you” is so, so powerful.

Specially after all that exercise.

Right, buddy. You and Submarine guy, a pair of innocent lambs.

Bout six months ago.

Yeah Clooneys! My monthly charitable donation will go to SPLC this month as well.

Jane Fonda’s Beverly Hills mansion is now technically a bargain. [Page Six]

The Afghanistan of the NFL!!! 😹😹😹

There is no “Draft” to dodge. Except the NFL Draft. And these fools got drafted by the Browns. The BROWNS. It’s like the Afghanistan of NFL teams.

I’m starting to think this R. Kelly fellow might not be a good guy.

Just as a reminder to the trolls. If you are under 18, you do not have the ability to give consent. Even if a teenager says yes, that is not okay in the eyes of the law (or decent people). That is all.

I get chills reading this quote from Koraun in an interview with USA Today last year.