Yah. But I haven't been able to penetrate that group.
If this was a crime, they really pulled it off.
1) As a historian, it continues to drive me crazy that we apply current cultural norms to past stories or films. You have to set the story in the context of the culture it occurred in. For the late 80's, Ariel was no more or less feminist-offensive than many other love stories, and in some ways far more progressive.…
The worst part? One guy starts offering to "take her home" and another guy steps up, looking like he's gonna say "No, stop taking advantage of her." Instead, he says "%@#$ off. She's coming home with me."
Can I just do like I always do and crank the volume on the HP Lovecraft Historical Society's Very Scary Solstice carols collection? There're worse places to start.
Ok, the line that gets me is under the religion section. "Our country was founded on Christian-Judean principles. In fact, our Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of religion."
you have the right to have a religion but it's mostly going to be mine because you're not free of religion
She is absolutely disgusting. I mean, there wasn't even any peanut butter on it.
Nobody puts Baby on the floor.
I held it together pretty well. I pulled the snaps on some miserable little twat who was rolling her eyes and doing the theatrical heavy sighs because we were taking to long receiving the line of visitors (ok, it was out the door and onto the street but I can't help that.)
Man: excuse me, miss, would you like to play rape?
Exactly! I'm not saying calling a sketchy room the "rape room" is a totally awesome and hilarious thing to do, but the real issue is how they reacted when she asked them to stop. Another major issue is the implicit misogyny when a bunch of men fire a woman because they think she's overreacting to a rape joke.
What if it does make you laugh? What if you find the exaggeration of framing a room so cluttered and disheveled and awful looking it could used in a movie rape scene funny and you are able to find it funny because you know all the people you talk to about that room and joke with would never ever come at someone…