
Francis will be fine, he will be fine, he is very talented, he will be fine, wish i didn’t have to fire him, he meant well.... go fuck yourself and get some drapes or blinds for your windows you fucking douche bag.

Jesus, i was just at the Blues championship parade and living in a city plagued by violence i was constantly paranoid this was going to happen in St. Louis. Hope everyone is OK. 

Nope, whatever anyone else comments on this i have to say your list is 100% correct. 

Any other fan pulling his stupid shit gets tossed. And that’s exactly what he is. A fan.

Do i hear Mark Strong’s voice in the opening?

Sees picture and headline, immediately scrolls down to comment “rich assholes” 

I am very much guilty of eating while driving so this is 100% the pot calling the kettle black. Do we as a society just choose not to realize that eating while driving is probably just as bad as any other form of distracted driving? As I think about it, there are very few things i can eat without looking at it before

I feel like most people in general don’t realize how many small bombs we have in random cabinets . I just did a quick count off the top of my head and between aerosol cans and gas cans (2) for the yard tools, I have roughly 60 potential body part removers all over my house

I would be more inclined to believe that the man got up from his seat to take a shit because of use of said hot sauce. never the less, it still saved his life. 

Guilty. I for one 100% support the idea that people who run their hateful mouths recklessly probably haven’t been punched in said mouth. I always think a little bit harder and longer about what i say because i remember the last time i got popped in the mouth for saying stupid shit when i was a jagoff teenager who

Didn't like the looks much at first, but damn if it doesn't look good in that grey. Unlike my comments 

Man, I can't tell you the last time I felt like a rocket ass...

Kids.... Slow Down

Sanford has been rocked already this year with a horrible head shot so getting his jaw bounced isn’t a good idea period. Bortuzzo is a fuck anyway and i would trade him for a used puck bag. And Sandford. I quote Tony Montana. Fuck em’ Fuck em all! 

Yeah its a super shame. My best friends wife works there and has since her teenage years and she has loves these people like family. I hope that they will be ok after this. Two hard blows to the business like that can be devastating. 

No one else sees King Hippo from Punch Out?

Honestly, at this point I think they just got too big for their britches. Too many models in their lineup and people lost interest like they did with US based auto maker(s) that needed government bailout money to stay alive. HD will probably never go away but honestly I think they need to kinda be happy with being a

Are we sure darker, gayer, and different wasn’t what he asked his barber for?

As a Cardinals fan who doesn’t hate the Cubs like every other Cardinals fan, John Lester can go fuck himself.