
The author feels strange to not write too many words, and not writing them was so much unlike what she was doing.

Strip clubs are gross and sad. A bachelor party at a strip club is an agreement among a group of men to have boners together in a room with disconcertingly sticky floors.

There should also be a very limited Launch Edition that includes a random, esoteric, and likely diminutive car part to which Torch intends to devote an entire article.

Air conditioning is a dehumidifier in and of itself. That’s why you should turn on the AC in your car in the winter (even though it’s cold out) to help defog the windows. Even a window unit can help. I grew up a couple blocks from the ocean in a small house with no central air, and we used window units to cycle out

Conversely, there are a fuckton of base, almost zero-options 3-series, CLAs, A3s, and ATSs running about because people see the badge as a status symbol and want it as cheap as possible. They don’t want “the best” Accord, for instance, with a 290hp V6, actual leather, LED headlights, navigation, etc, for $35k; they

While not motorsports-related, the theft of Guy Fieri’s Lamborghini was pretty audacious. Dude rappelled down from the roof of a dealership Mission Impossible style to steal the car. He got a life sentence for that and other crimes.

I think you have that reversed.

How could you pass up Ball State?

The gape-mouth combination of Eli and Coughlin is like watching a dad and his son find out that the ice cream place is all out of sprinkles.

SOURCE: Am a Giants fan

Serves them right for getting out of the box car to forage for victuals.

Rear bumper. A driver managed to smash into the side of one car in an intersection while running a red light, bounce off another, hop two (yes, two) curbs, correct the steering before hitting a building, hit the accelerator, hop another curb, smash into the back of my wife’s parked car (taking off the rear bumper),

Dammit, Tavarish, get it together.

The only solution is to throw an eephus at his head.

At least most fake vents are in places where a real vent might do something. I humbly submit the fake side scoops on Ford Mustangs as the goofiest. Because it’s in a place where it wouldn’t work even if it were functional.

It’s like sausage/sawmill/country/whatever-you-want-to-call-it gravy, but instead of sausage, it’s made with a product called “dried beef”, which is like corned beef that’s been thinly sliced, turned into jerky, and canned. A.K.A. shit on a shingle, or S.O.S.

SOURCE: Disgusting eating habits