
the warriors with KD are a more talented team. to suggest otherwise is dumb.

I still back Warren, but god damn, Senator Sanders, if you didn’t just hit a solid second place.

A population kept ignorant is a population kept compliant; an educated population may reach consensus, but it does so honestly.

Here’s hoping Warren or Sanders get the nod; everyone else in the field is a pale shadow of

I would also put a limit on a private school’s non-profit status. The fact that Harvard, Yale and their ilk are sitting on endowments worth billions makes a mockery of being a non-profit institution.

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

I mean...maybe you should be calling out the NYT for putting forward false narratives of Hillary being unable to lose, instead of calling out a whistleblower with maybe 1/1,000,000 of their political power.

I used to work with a guy who was really into ZZ Top. And it was so odd to me. I really respected the guy’s musical taste. And he turned me onto a lot of 70's proto-punk. bands. He had told me about the MC5 and Radio Birdman. But I could never figure out why once or twice a year, he would go see the band that plays

bay area techies continue to ruin everything about portland that its people hold dear.

Great episode of Chernobyl. 

Wife: How was the episode?

What’s funny is RJ is saying the series is called Game of Thrones but that’s the TV show not the books which are A Song Of Ice and Fire, therefore Rj’s making a point that the TV Show has a very different throughline from the books but that the people who focused on that different throughline aren’t culpable for the

Personally, I feel some type of way every time an attractive person complains that they no longer receive regular validation from others of their attractiveness. Many of us go our whole lives without getting hit on, getting visits in our DM’s, or having any of the other stuff happen that makes us think “I still got it

I think it is time to require all publicly traded companies have 30% of its board be made up of labor representatives.

“the ’60s counterculture’s inability to truly let go of white privilege and male privilege tilled the soil in which the Manson murders blossomed. That could be difficult for baby boomers who participated in that counterculture to swallow. After all, it’s much simpler to call an individual evil than to indict an entire

I think you might need to format the hard drive and reinstall the OS

I can’t stand the look of cargo pants, but if one is going through an airport (especially when travelling internationally,) there’s nothing better. You have a secure place for your sunglasses, passport, plane ticket, and anything else you need. I don’t give a shit if I look like a dork.

You may have a point, but I’ve designed an ultra lightweight armor using the plot of the show itself.

Should’ve picked Tormund.