
Sure you can laugh, but if this plays out as usual in our consequence-free power structure, the last laugh will be his.

Thanks for that link. Fellas, I think we have a solution.



In $300 fucking seats too by some old fat fucks who looked about 98 years old.

You’ll need to download an app to pay the fee too.

The fashion elite really needs to make the man purse an accepted thing if they’re also going to make fun of cargo shorts.

That’s definitely a plus but on the other hand I get it — it’s yet another company that has your info, and there should still be a way to pay on site if you don’t want yet another app on your phone (or if you’re like my Dad and don’t use a mobile phone at all)

Now playing

I was born in this town
Live here my whole life
Probably come to die in this town
Live here my whole life
Never anything to do in this town
Live here my whole life
Never anything to do in this town
Live here my whole life
Probably learn to die in this town
Live here my whole life
Nothing to do, sit around at home
Sit around at

That already died in Season 6 or definitely 7, didn’t it?

God, Ben Shapiro is a dumb jackass.

I don’t much care for reggae or especially ska really either, but I love and revere The Clash.

I guess I can see if HD is not someone’s bag, but how do you hate The Clash?

If Wilco turned into the Eagles, it’s in spite of hiring Nels Cline, not because of. Back the fuck off Drew.

Not many are clamoring for true socialism. They want certain things to be set outside the vagaries of market capitalism such as health care and education, and a shoring up of social security. Try again.

No problem.

We’ll take that list of the doctors now, please.

Because America was then and remains now chock full of suckers.

We are a monoculture in the health department. We all get sick.

Surprised the idiots complaining about the nanny state and their loss of freedom to use styrofoam aren’t already here bitching.