
Same goes for 2008 McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt, who has been backpedaling ever since, and quite a bit lately, who helped choose her, saying “he didn’t realize what she was”. I and plenty of others realized exactly what she was the first time I heard her open her fool mouth.

Metal Health’ll drive you mad

Or better, people should just leave the platform.

Corruption sounds like a requirement to me.

Agreed. Aren’t there any adults left to run the show here?

I’m not the only one saying this. It was the entire reason this article got posted in the first place.

Gimme a break. It was a dogwhistle comment, pure and simple.

These guys better lawyer up.

Let’s ask Juan Williams.

Sure it’s all relative, and sure, true million- and billionaires would still look down on you, but 180k is empirically top 10% territory. Even with something pricey like $5k/month rent or mortgage that’s quite a chunk left over for a lifestyle I’ll never be able to approach, even throwing in a kid or two.

It’s rich in my book.

I’m not virtuous, don’t worry about it. I’m an asshole with an opinion. Sometimes people even agree with me.

they want to handpick people who are already successful and accomplished by their definitions.

And oh look...

Lol. I’d say nice try, but really it’s just pathetic.


Hitler was indeed a Liberal. People who don’t understand this - and by extension equate Nazis with Republicans or conservatism

“Brave” doesn’t mean “good guys”.

How can Americans just “go to Canada”, Boris?