
It was a dark time, certainly. This is a dumb time. When I start hearing sentiments of “Trump is so awful he’s making the Bush years look good” I have to pipe up and say wait a minute, #neverforget how fucked up that time was also (and hopefully Trump will only last a maximum of 4 years and not a full 8 - though with

He called lawyer Gloria Allred “Gloria Awful-red”,

I know things are bad now but don’t go looking back on the Bush administration as some sort of not-so-bad era.

Ari Fleischer must be pretty impressed.

Wow, yeah. That one you posted is the best though I think.

Hope you went out and got a good lawyer. That shit’s the worst.

Agreed. Tell her to “Google it”, usually does the trick well enough. For the love of god don’t go pulling up and showing her the results yourself.

I would. With emphasis.

At least she closes them. Go to my parents’ place sometime, all the cheeses are in unsealed ziploc bags that my dad never bothers to close back up, so its all dried out.

The leftist labor Wobbly radical still hiding inside of me refuses

There is. They’re called “all the checkout lanes”.

This is fucking incredible

Man that’s so right on about conservatives and any kind of progress. All the shit they like now that actually took some effort to attain was originated by liberals they would have hated at the time it needed to be fought for. Ask them how they like weekends.

Bring your own bags and bag them yourself at the human checkout. I do it all the time, having been a professional bagger in high school. Gotta make sure the chips and any leafy greens are on top and all the cold shit all together. The cashier always appreciates it, and I do a much better job than the high-schoolers

Re: “Taco Chips” — is she Canadian?

Self Checkout is not express checkout, Express Checkout is express checkout.

Albert, I think it’s been made pretty clear here by nature that the enemy is YOU.

With you on the no-footrest stool, and for the record I’m a dude and hate that no hooks lameness also.