Do people typically feel bad about having a Diet Coke or something? I thought you’re supposed to feel bad about having the full-sugar-overkill regular Coke, so you reach for the guilt-free Diet Coke instead.
Do people typically feel bad about having a Diet Coke or something? I thought you’re supposed to feel bad about having the full-sugar-overkill regular Coke, so you reach for the guilt-free Diet Coke instead.
It’ll keep the boys away from her, that’s for sure.
It was Hillary Clinton driving, of course.
I like it... let’s take it further. The Dude is actually Indiana Jones, who changed his name to Jeffrey Lebowski to avoid attention.
See it first, then see if you’re still optimistic.
Be careful Doc, next thing you know they’ll use your idea to launch an entire Spielbergiverse.
You’re hired.
Yeah, too bad. I’m the one paying, if I’m done eating I’m stacking whatever’s in front of me and moving it to the edge of the table so it’s out of my way. I do it properly and conscientiously, with silverware on top and heaviest/largest on the bottom up to lightest on top.
That’s true of most Mike Judge material... or all of it, really.
Maybe not “just”, but absolutely. Or his agent is.
I find it hard to believe Michelle Williams would have been fired at that point — they would have had to reshoot all of her scenes with or without Kevin Spacey in them. I also find it hard to believe they’d say no had she asked for compensation. I were her, I’d be asking my agent WTF?
Thought Drew was more an X-er but if he was dumb enough to put the sticker on the front, Millenials can have him.
Yeah but if you have kids along, the annoyance is really the snacks. No kid wants home-brought snacks. I took my 9-year old niece to see The Last Jedi for her birthday - $40 out the gate for IMAX which didn’t really seem that big to me - and being a non-cheap uncle for once I even let her get one popcorn for us to…
Yet they expect us to believe Benicio Del Toro drinks it!
Come on, Drew. I’ve never heard of anyone putting their registration sticker on the front, and I know some really dumb people.
Ninety percent of our national labor output now goes toward putting out bonfires set by idiot truthers and psychotic racists.