I can probably explain you.
I can probably explain you.
What is amusing is that you guys are complaining about the reversing of your own attempt to control the narrative by controlling the language as if it was an attempt to control the narrative by controlling the language. Illegal alien was the term, you have tried and failed to change it, that is all.
But they can be here illegally, making them an illegal alien.
I mean pick one. He sold out labor. Guantanamo is still open. Left us with the flimsiest possible compromise on healthcare. ICE exists.
My two cents ... Progressives want to live with a sort of cognitive dissonance when it comes to Obama.
You are right, none of that matters because it’s bullshit and full of assumptions built on the acts of a few officers. I could write, “Did you know that black men in many major cities have a reputation for criminal activity and violence towards police officers?” And you know what that would be? Bullshit and…
What else do you think he was reaching for? His dick? How about I come over to your place and reach for my handgun, and then you can let us know what you think about that. Let us all know how it was in no way a threat to your safety.
No one said people with facial tattoos are bad oeople and you completely projected that. It’s a fact that people with facial tattoos have a hard time finding mainstream corporate work. That’s all that was said. Chill.
What makes you think I’m “mad” about this? And you have no idea how I feel about Tambor or the allegations against him.
I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this but my take is Scarlett Johansson is conventionally attractive and a bonefide star, proven as a lead capable of carrying a movie?
This article may as well be called ‘how each of us is a pedant who withholds joy from themselves based on nothing.’
Wow—yesterday was bad, politically speaking. In fact, the past year and a half has been bad, politically speaking.…
On the internet, hope—and murderous, incoherent rage—spring eternal. I would like to address this post to my…
Heartbeats were racing
A person with no documentation crossing an international border should be brought in for questioning. Two weeks detention does sound unnecessary and excessive though, especially on the Canadian border.
“Not what I was expecting” is not a phrase I like to see any critic use, ever. It’s a sign of a closed mind, and it gives me an initial impression that what I’m about to read will be tinged with unwarranted dissatisfaction. So I usually just stop reading there.
Why did fucking your cousin seem to be the most relevant and illuminating contrast to you?
What are you crying about now? Do you think I’m reading your diatribe? I generally only read the first sentence to get a feel for what your bawling about. I’m not reading a full paragraph of your horseshit. Jesus.
some people like to wear cute outfits whatever they’re doing and I think it’s a bit dickish to judge them. I like cute pajamas, even though I know I’m only sleeping in them.