Lesbian She-Gal

Authoritarianism has been on the rise, across a great number of nations. Whether it’s a growing police / surveillance state, militarization of local law enforcement, eroding privacy, increasing prison population & growth of prison-industrial complex, or the decay of our system of governmental checks and balances, it’s

Your point was not to assume things? Okay. Point taken.

You can drive 5-10 minutes away from any major city downtown in FL and reach a neighborhood where there are confederate flags waving. There is a legitimately large far-right presence in FL. For every college professor or immigrant family there’s a wife-beater wearing redneck who lives in a trailer home.

You could go out on that limb, but you’d be getting farther away from the trunk of the ‘legitimate issues to discuss’ tree. Arguing semantics and going with the identity politics worked out so well for progressives in 2014 and 2016... why not keep it up?

My half-Asian mom said cotton pickin’ all the time to me when I was little. Her mom was full [Asian nation] and didn’t speak English very well, but her dad was from rural [farming state] and said stuff like that all the time.

I’m curious to see whether this involves starring people who post rational, readable comments on various sides of the issue, or if it goes back to being a Splinter Party Line (SPL) echo chamber with the occasional troll seeping through and a bunch of SPL zealots yelling at one another not to let people out of the

Of course Harriott wrote this piece. Low-hanging fruit for some outrage banner ad revenue. This is why we have ad blocker plugins.

Agreed. I wasn’t going to buy this game before (really don’t have enough time to game any more, but I enjoy reading about the industry), but after reading this review — the best game review I’ve ever read — I realized I just have to get this game and play it.

I actually laughed out loud (as quietly as possible) when I saw this. You’re awesome!

Looking forward to the Hillary ‘16 camp guilt-tripping anyone that a vote not for Avenatti is a vote for Trump. Not really looking forward to 4 more years of Trump but I’m emotionally preparing for that eventuality.

Many cops are racist, but they still put a hurting on white people plenty. You can be racist + abusive, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. In positions of authority, there are some nice synergies to be enjoyed there. Good place for angry violent people with inferiority complex to get a career.

So citizens are constitutionally allowed to own thermonuclear weapons? I think you need to rethink your logic a bit. This isn’t a Boston Tea Party issue. 

Do you drive a motor vehicle?

It’s against YouTube’s policies, so you’d have to go with LiveLeak.

You’re right. Socialism will guarantee that no one dislikes their jobs. It’ll be a world of the happiest garbage men, janitors, fry cooks, etc. By removing economic incentives to innovate we will guarantee that housing in ultra-dense urban centers is just as affordable as housing in less populated towns or rural

If by “the job” you mean working at the Googleplex or Apple headquarters, then yes. Not everyone absolutely must live in NYC or San Francisco. Most people find jobs / housing that make sense for them, even if it means not living in San Francisco. I say most people, because I know a handful of people who moved to NYC /

EU and AU/NZ are doing a good job regulating themselves into obscurity / obsolescence.

It’s not just the U.S. I’m an expat working in Australia. I’m on a visa that allows for transition to residency via several different paths; that visa is no longer a thing, having been replaced by a more restrictive visa. If I want residency, I have to make the call to apply for it now, because once my visa rolls over

Unisex toilets in invididual stalls, urinals / trough behind a privacy partition, and then a common area for sinks / hand dryers. Easy peasy.

You’re ridiculous.