Words are wind. Playing the allegation game can be a really effective distraction technique for any political party / figure.
Words are wind. Playing the allegation game can be a really effective distraction technique for any political party / figure.
Funny how people complain about ‘witch hunts’ if it affects them, but immediately dismiss similar claims made by someone else.
It’s interesting you’re calling me a rape apologist. No rape happened. They were drunk, they started over-the-clothes fooling around on a bed, she started to get scared and then someone jumped on the bed and broke it up.
“I remember someone fumbled with my clothes for a minute at a party 30+ years ago. I don’t remember who else was there, where the party was, or how I got there. I didn’t mention it to anyone until recently, because reasons. But I’m pretty sure it’s the same person, and now that they’re about to be confirmed to the SC,…
That’s awful. I’m sorry. Even reporting it was brave, and shame on your teacher.
Not silence, pay attention.
Did you report your rapist?
Interesting timing. 30+ year silence? Now that’s playing the long game.
I think it means, broadly, opposing taxes on the individual while favoring a balanced budget. Since individual taxes make up the vast majority of federal revenues, in order to balance the budget, major cuts would have to be made.
Even in very high-security areas (TS/SAR SCIF) you can’t really strip search everyone who goes in and out. After the background checks, clearances, training courses, warning signs, etc. you still have to rely on the professionalism of your employees.
This is some Grade-A trolling right here.
What I want is to be a little taller, what I want is never to have not been a baller.
I dated an 18 year old when I was 14, a 34 year old when I was 25, a 43 year old when I was 28, a 20 year old when I was 31, and lots of other people roughly my age at whatever time.
What is the official Jezebel Feminist Website Age of Agency at which women are allowed to date who they want? Is it 18? 21? 16? Does it vary wildly depending on the desired narrative and the editorial opinion of the parties involved? Does the Age of Agency of the younger party increase if the older party is a male?
For real. What a bunch of buzzkills
Yeah. If you mime a “hang me!” out of exasperation with your job, you need some sensitivity counseling. That’s a little dark for an educator, etc. If you mime a “I’m going to lynch you” you need to be fired and potentially doxxed, because that’s a hateful death threat.
Ah, America.
If you’re going after old people with 50k in savings then you’ve got your targets wrong. While you bloodthirsty types are all lynching one another over scraps, the fatcats will be watching it on Pay-Per-View and laughing. Let's not give them a show by eating one another.
Sounds like they’re both being charged. Absolutely horrible. And not pertinent to this story.
Jeff Sessions is an evil snake. I hate him and despise his attitude. However an unlawful entrant is in illegal alien, regardless of whatever term has been deemed more PC Acceptable recently. Hand wringing over the rollback of euphemisms is not a solution for our failure to provide an adequate legal framework to…