If you ever want to see some quality butt-hurt, observe a flaky person when someone flakes on them for a change.
If you ever want to see some quality butt-hurt, observe a flaky person when someone flakes on them for a change.
Ah man. It’s the Facebook event rule! For attendees, take your ‘maybe’ responses and multiply that by 0. Then take your ‘yes’ responses and multiply that by 0.33, then round down. That’s your attendance. The same applies for extracurricular work-social functions.
As someone who likes to coordinate things and host people, I’ve realized how much it matters to follow through on your social commitments. A cancellation is okay if it’s for a legit reason, but it doesn’t take long to figure out which people actually follow through on their engagements, and which people are flakes.…
There are already a number of perfectly adequate population control measures already in place, from the most localized scale to the global scale.
Didn’t make any comment on your personal experience. I said that, post-conviction, IUDs / vasectomies should be a prerequisite for conjugal visits, to prevent the tragic sort of situation outlined in the article from occurring.
Hahaha, perfect!
What’s white girl weed? Regs? or dank ass kryp.
These guys put out three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, all of which were awesome. They were working on STALKER 2 before they got shut down (due to funding issues, I believe).
Oh shiiiiii! Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat were two of the coolest games I ever played, so unique and immersive that it more than compensated for the bugginess. This is such awesome news.
Yeah, the sporting events here tend to be so much cheaper than their equivalents in the States. I can go see pro rugby matches, with good seats, for cheaper than I could go see my college football team if I sat in the nosebleed section.
You are free to subtract 150g from my guesstimated mass if you wish.
Let’s not leave Brisbane out of the mix! Outside of the hottest summer months (even then it’s fun) Brissy is an awesome city.
I’ve flown Delta, Qantas, Virgin Australia, Vietnam Airlines, and China Eastern into / out of SYD airport... along with some shitty ‘budget’ airlines that aren’t even worth mentioning. For both domestic and international flights, I’d say Virgin Australia is the nicest experience in coach or business class.
Born and raised in USA, moved to Australia a few years ago, have spent a lot of time in Sydney.
How much does the extra weigh affect shipping?
Lots of people who love capitalism also love slavery.
For my first job, I tried to find somewhere that paid white-collar wages to new employees with no work experience, but had no luck. I had to get some shitty entry-level retail jobs, move up to semi-skilled manual labor, then an internship, and finally an entry-level position in an office before gradually moving up…
Before conviction, we can do things like make birth control and abortion services free; improve access to childcare / education / medical services; reform drug law to focus on treatment vs. incarceration.
Right. The extreme bias (dishonesty) on multiple aspects quickly made this piece about as uncompelling as could be. My takeaway was “make IUDs (or, for men, vasectomies) a prerequisite for conjugal visits when long-term sentences are involved, for the sake of the baby and society in general”.