“scope” and “scale” are things that matter when discussing ‘mistakes’.
“scope” and “scale” are things that matter when discussing ‘mistakes’.
I saw this article in my ‘You may also like...’ links at the top of Splinter news. Strange that it directed me to an article from several years ago!
It’s good that you’ve got Bruce Lee skills, but for the rest of the police out there, I’ll settle for them drawing tasers instead of handguns when dealing with a potential physical threat.
Couple major steps to take - demilitarize police, tighten gun sales / registration laws, end drug war - should dramatically reduce the frequency with which cops needlessly kill people. As we start charging / convicting more cops for excessive force and wrongful death, we should see them start to take more care and err…
Well, they responding to a hit-and-run, had a positive ID on the vehicle, and the guy did have a potential weapon and wasn’t complying with their commands. I think a taser, or pepper spray, are the practical options in such a scenario. Cops shouldn’t be shooting people to death but neither are they obligated to stand…
One of the cops used a Taser - it’s a shame his partner went straight to his handgun. Two tasers makes for a much different story vs. one taser and multiple gunshots.
No one (well, almost no one) deserves do be killed. While it may fit the preferred narrative for Splinter, it’s a bit of the stretch to try and play the ‘nice guy’ angle while pretending his execution in Mexico had nothing to do with criminal behavior.
I’m sure he was just randomly killed for no reason, and his behavior in the States had no bearing on the sort of life he led beforehand. /s
He didn’t deserve to die, but he also didn’t deserve to live illegally in America while committing various crimes, after already having been deported once. Getting yourself on the wrong side of the gangs because of your criminal tendencies isn’t an ‘immigrate to America free’ card.
Take the butthurt you feel if people blow you off for your birthday dinner, and add in whatever extra butthurt you’d feel if you had spent $ hiring caterers and bartenders specifically for those people because they had told you, in writing, they were coming (and then didn’t show and never reached out to apologize or…
No-call / no-show for an appointment at your place of work, or some professional location (like a dentist’s office) is bad form. Doing it in a social setting (as opposed to a professional one) doesn’t make it okay, especially if it’s because you “didn’t care that particular day”.
If someone RSVPs - for anything - and then no-call/no-shows, that person is a flake. Flaking out is impolite. If you flake out on someone who spent time / money on you, that’s even more impolite - it’s a snub (at best). If someone snubs me and doesn’t apologize or otherwise explain it, that person gets written off.…
Latin names for metals have both endings - plumbum and aurum have the -um, while natrium and kalium have the -ium ending. It’s a matter of preference or local convention how to handle aluminum, since the metal itself wasn’t isolated until the modern era. The ancients had alum (in the form of salts) but not the metal…
I work with a bunch of Australians and they say ‘twat’ with an ‘ah’ sound. So, there you go.
Scoffs at others’ pronunciation and then, completely without irony, orders a “vodker tonic”. Pommy power.
I personally have observed people pissing and / or shitting themselves in races in order to avoid losing their position / rank, so it’s definitely a thing. It’s not too much of a stretch to have that same type of person crapping in yards vs. pooping at home and timing run differently. I guess the word for said people…
Good on ‘em for being healthy. But we all know ‘that person’ who uses their running as some sort of metaphor for general success as a human being. That type of person is the sort who craps their pants rather than risk losing a race.
I mean, yes it’s a valid thing to sometimes have to pee behind a bush on a run. Sometimes you have to barf at the end of a race or something. But I have personally seen (more than once) runners in races simply piss their pants rather than stop to pee. Have also seen someone poop themselves in a crowded race. And…
‘serious’ runners sometimes end up conditioning themselves to think it’s okay to puke, crap, or piss in public rather than alter their training times. Have seen examples of all three. It’s revolting.