Lesbian She-Gal

Yeah. There’s no denying it’s a more ethically sound diet. Not sure why the hate for people who’ve made sacrifices in order to live more ethically.

I don’t shop there, but I know some people who do and don’t consider them smug, just maybe a little superstitious about the importance of eating ‘organic’ or ‘fair trade’. Hating on Whole Foods people is in the same category as hating on vegans. Like, it’s widely done and socially acceptable to do so, but at the same

Flamethrower man was in the wrong, but Gun man was even more in the wrong, and was even more dangerous / reckless than flamethrower man. Gun man should have his license revoked (assuming he’s licensed - if not, then he should face felony charges for that) and also face charges for unlawful discharge of a firearm if

Me too. However, sometimes things happen. If you’ve ever been mugged, coward punched, blundered into the middle of a protest (violent or otherwise), or driven by a situation in which police and/or suspects have guns drawn, you understand that dangerous situations can arise even when you’re not out looking for them.

Xenogears could definitely use a remaster. The huge cast, immense scope (I kept learning more and more about the backstory through internet research years after playing the actual game), and innovative gameplay (different combat types for humans on their own vs. humans in their Gears) made it unique. The little anime

Me too. The crawler was so awesome.

Wakefield claims that Williams caused her ligaments and muscles to tear at the same time

The random internet person angrily posting profanity and personal attacks on others while simultaneously relying on straw man arguments (I’m talking about you, here) doesn’t get to accuse others of trolling. You’re the troll here. No one cares who’s on your ‘shit list’ since it can be reasonably assumed that nearly

Where was I arguing in favor of vehicular violence? You’re one using straw man arguments and ad hominem insults. Someone is full of shit here but it isn’t me.

Door was open. I was hit, but I was fine. Could have been worse for me, but it still wouldn’t have been attempted murder even I had died.

It’s both, just like AV Club is a website / blog. Kinja is a blogging platform, developed by Gawker Media, which was itself the parent company of numerous smaller blogs. Gawker Media actually started as ‘Blogwire’.

Yeah... not sure why said piggy is so vehemently passionate about the right of people to attack vehicles with impunity.

a) isn’t it both? Jezebel, Lifehacker, Kotaku, etc. are considered blogs and follow the same format. They just revolve around different topics.

I was touching the car, it moved, and I could have been hurt. So, yes, similar situation. Nice name calling. Keep it classy!

So your position is that, since writers on this blog occasionally mention allegations against Louis CK, they should also be listing the allegations against Scientology in articles about new Beck songs. OK, I guess.

Yes, you do. My original comment was “If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there.” You replied by asserting that constituted attempted murder, then claimed the Charlottesville incident and this one are comparable. I disagreed and cited an example from my own

That was so satisfying to watch. Not only blue muumuu lady put her hands on Dagg first, but she prefaced that by making a death threat. She deserved to get beat down for several reasons.

Beer is definitely an acquired taste. A taste which I have acquired. I have the love handles to prove it.

True story: I oncehopped out of my friend’s car to go to an ATM on a corner in a busy part of downtown. My friend pulled away and drove around the block to come back and pick me up.

Stick to Zima then, my friend.