
I too had to reread it 3 times.

I like to think about it as if I were "modding a car". Sure, a vanilla car can be great, but it can also be so much more. You're not changing the car entirely, you are keeping the base car the same, but adding bits and pieces which will make it better looking, and maybe even more efficient or faster. You're making the

Except it's not really bigger that much bigger than an iPhone, and I believe it's thinner and lighter as well.

It would be, in fact, silly not to release it... from a financial point of view.

How so? (——————————————————————)

I was never implying it was something bad, or even care that it's formulaic. In fact, I believe the reason the 3D Zeldas work so well is because that this golden formula just works, and will continue for work for many more years, as it's a formula that never seems to get old (unlike Pokemon, which feels like it's

"Recycled" is an entire different word from "formulaic". What he means by formulaic, is that all Zeldas roughly follow the same golden formula, which is something like:

You see, this is not an issue about games. Or even women. This just easily sums up to "people being dicks". You see, it doesn't matter if you're a woman, or black, or Hispanic like I am, you are bound to get singled out for being a minority in not just games, but pretty much anything. I've had people on Xbox Live

Actually, I think defragging does gives you back some space in misplaced sectors, a few kilobytes or so, even though it's so minimal it might as well be nothing. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

But won't all the other phones be updated to 4.0 as well?

So, as far as I can see, the only advantage this phone has over a Galaxy S2 is the screen? Should I wait for the Galaxy S2 HD or the S3 then?

So... this is good news right? This means it's highly likely we are getting Monster Hunter as well right?

I tried using an iPhone 3G, and it was PAINFULLY SLOW. I honestly have no idea how you can live with anything slower than a 3GS...

Well, to be fair, I don't understand the heavy Texas-accent (and I doubt Siri can, either), and I can barely understand Japanese people talking in English. I'm not a native English speaker myself, but I've never had issues with voice recognition. I can use Vlingo just fine, for instance... but then again (and I'm not

I second using Whatsapp. Some minor connectivity issues, but it seems to be reliable enough, and almost everyone I know uses it - whether they have an iPhone, a BB, Android, or even Nokia phone.

Not a huge fan of tethered, and still waiting for the safe updater as well! Don't want to mess up my unlock.

I'm still waiting for the Jailbreak. Still can't live without SBSettings!

iCloud - no wait, scratch that - CLOUD STORAGE, in general, *might* be the future of digital storage. However, that future is NOT now. I have over 7 terrabytes of data, and there is no way 50 measly (paid for) gigs are going to come even close to my physical storage alternative.

A wall? Unreal would like to have a word with you.

"Hey Siri, find me some hot porn videos" :D