
And what is the percentage of all break and enter burglaries are the ones that end up with an attack on an occupant?

Far less guns and far less crime. This is why you have an insurance policy........Plus you shoot a burglar in the UK and you likely to end up in jail for manslaughter at the least.

And yet the masses seem to be lapping up his bullshit. If, by some miracle, he get’s elected president I’m going to be searching for an island far far away from the US.

Ah. Read the book but not watched the movie. The book was decidedly meh and so didn’t bother.............now you point out the cylinder thing I get the reference.


I always thought the dash fitted to the Citroen GS was pretty spaceship like

Turned out well didn’t it. The start of a very shitty slope.

‘The owner of the Instagram account said that the car will “be back on the streets in a month or so,” and we can only hope that’s true.’

Sustainable in that one gets killed, we eat it and use it’s skin, and another is born to replace it. Can’t do that with oil based products.

A few do yes, your point is?

So they replaced an organic sustainable eco-friendly material with an unsustainable oil based material.

Only without the fascist leader pretentions

I remember her trying to qualify. The Brabham was sub Manor levels of competitiveness so she had little chance.

No but they work efficiently and so there is little need to change them. Advances are more likely to come in how they are powered and signalling systems that allow more trains to pass through and thus increasing capacity.

High Speed Rail is a fantastic way to travel. Smooth, comfortable and so in incredibly fast. There really is no point if you are travelling from London to Paris to fly, the Eurostar is so much quicker.

The ridership levels are significantly higher and there are many modern railway services in Indian & Russia. Not to mention Shinkansen & MagLev trains in China.

Well, you’ve got Russia with its 53,000 miles of track that carries over 1 billion passengers per year.

Secretary Foxx, one’x’ away from a porn movie

I like NASCAR when they race on road courses, it’s funnier than most network comedies. Other than that it’s terribly dull.

The polls would indicate that the majority of members do