
I guess assumptions on both sides caused misunderstanding, no harm done. Sorry about the dullness of progress bars, sounds very tedious.

You really have far too much time on your hands and a wild imagination.

There is no aggression, that’s all come from you. Your original post was inaccurate. You have subsequently explained your idea further but still believe that France did not win WWII. I’m sure the surviving members of the French Resistance are pleased to know their colleague’s sacrific was worth it.

I’m too youthful and lazy to google it. As you appear to like to vomit your thoughts into text, please feel free and explain how you believe the French were not on the winning side of WWII.

I doubt as much as you. You put a lot of effort into trying to not be wrong, surely you have better things to do with your time? Like understanding that France were on the winning side.

It’s only polite, considering your wrongness

I was bored after a your first sentence. You put far more effort into that than it was worth.

Your original post was inventive but the fact that France joined the Allies when Germany invaded Poland makes it invalid.

Yes the Allies, which included France. Your original post seemed to indicate you though the French lost.

France did win

Everyone will look at you in your Cayman and think you couldn’t afford a 911

VW just copied Billabug, which was first show circa 1990

Exactly, they are not direct competitors

And you can get any number of used Miata’s fit much less.

You should probably go see a doctor

For you yes. You don’t need a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

As stated earlier you aren’t the target audience and you don’t want a Miata.

Power and outright speed have not been the purpose of an MX-5 in it’s 26 years of production

Then you are shopping from a more expensive store and not the target audience for the MX5

Which it won’t, because power and out right speed is not the purpose of an MX-5.