
I completely agree with you. I’ve perfected the ‘you fucking prick’ glare!

You should, they are great fun especially if you respect all other road users.

Typical cyclist, forgetting about pedestrians.

I’m not comparing because my argument is not that cyclists are worse than motorists.

Your lack of commitment is disappointing but means your comments are worthless and moronic.

The clickbaity nature of Gawker Media sites gets to us all in the end. But again, I have not suggested or ascerted the opinion that cyclists are not dangerous than motorists.

How ‘bout you read everything I’ve posted here twice before commenting. You’ll see that you have completely missed my point.

And I see you are one that is invaluable of reading and comprehending the point of my argument. Where have I said that cyclists are more dangerous than motorists?

They haven’t, never said they did. My point is that cyclists believe they are the victim 100% of the time and that is the general public perception. The militant groups protest that they aren’t protected yet many many ride like dicks and put themselves in harms way or don’t think about other road users.

I think you need to read all my posts. I’m not defending motorists and I’m not attacking cyclists just the militant minority that think they are above the law. Just today, on my walk to transit, I crossed 5 intersections and witnessed 1 cyclist who ignored the pedestrians crossing who had right of way, and another who

Then enforcement is the answer. Ticket the violators just as would happen to motorists.

Why would it make me happy?

When was the last time you saw a hundred motorists drive on masse to protest their rights like Critical Masse?

It’s simple, obey the rules of the road. Red lights and stop signs mean you stop.

I have cable, I also have a couple of games consoles, Chromecasts, Raspberry PI’s running OSMC, Bunny Ears and various tablets and PC’s. Do I watch cable, sometimes yes I do and its mainly in the morning and when I get home from work. I don’t want to think and I just want to have the breakfast or local news on in the

That’s the biggest issue. You do not need to have any licencing, testing or insurance when in control of a vehicle capable of 20-30 mph.

Not the best example but the lights were flashing indicating that the cross walk was in use, the flags are secondary. The cyclist was in the wrong, but some of the blame should be applied to the crossing guards who didn’t make sure the moron on a bike was going to stop.

The extremist minority always spoil things for the majority.......just ask a moderate religious person.

Not to ride in groups of a hundred or so............what a fucking stupid article. The stop sign applies to all traffic and is there for a reason. If the stop sign isn’t required then it should be removed.

I fully agree, my stance is not anti-cyclist/pro-motorist but the vast majority of drivers are fairly sensible when in built up urban areas. I’ve had personal speeding ‘wrist slaps’ but those were done outside of urban areas. It’s the overiding holyier than though mentality of cyclists that is the issue here. The