
Not disagreeing with you but the 1.2 billion Catholics reproducing like rabbits is more of a concern than Denmark or Singapore encouraging procreation due to falling population.

If you need help I’m good friends with Pestilence

We had gotten a grip on most of the highly contagious and killer diseases that would have helped keep population under control. Maybe that’s the plan though, the anti-vaccers are actually part of a conspiracy to keep the population under control by refusing to vaccinate and thus encourage epidemics of killer diseases?

As an atheist, but former catholic, the thing about the pope is that unlike the head of pretty much any other major religion (At least within Christianity Catholicism)

I never said it was solely the fault of procreation for religious reasons but it is a very strong factor. The percentage of countries with a falling population is very small compared to those growing.

Yes but arguably they have less of an impact on the world’s natural resources. Plus for third world countries it’s more a case of a lack of education and the need to have a high birth rate due to a high mortality rate. The conscious decision, in a developed nation, to have 3, 4, 5, 6 kids is a very selfish one.

I quite enjoyed it and the ending of season one made me quite annoyed that we weren’t going to get closure. It really was the final straw in that now I generally wait for show to get about 50% of the way through season one before I even think about watching. Mostly I wait until its been renewed and then I catch up.

I’m not for one minute suggesting his methods should be used but spiking the water supply with birth control isn’t as dangerous as our out of control population growth.

The never ending population expansion is a huge threat to our civilisation and the situation is not helped by religious nuts who are encouraged to grow their religion through procreation. So he has a point but his suggested methods of control are not particularly ethical.

What utter bollocks. What scandal caused Tucker to resign? How can Delorean’s entrapment by FBI agents be bigger than the Exploder scandal or any other automotive scandal that were the direct cause of deaths?

Doubtful as it’s British, so more likely a treaty mile for the next Morgan Aero 8

Fascinating, great article.

I did loads back in the 90’s and its not affetgchjmnfyokmhfgduviugiii one bit

You must be doing it wrong

Me too.........I used to drift my 05 Explorer in snowy parking lots too

You can drift anything RWD on a wet surface, used to do it in my Bug all the time.

Also need to fix the destination as the flight was heading for London not Minneapolis

Excellent shoes, classic styleeeee

So, I’ve just looked up myself and two work colleagues. I now feel physically sick at how scarily accurate it was about all three! Especially the personality profile of myself, it was shocking.

I have dreams about driving a gold SM from Paris to Nice with Charlize Theron in the passenger seat.