
Or this years Indycars

The loudness covers up the annoying behaviours of the general public

They have a 4D theatre with all this stuff at Vancouver Aquarium, it’s fun until you get sprayed with cold water. As a glasses wearer this is very annoying.

Loving the cutaway T3 Squareback!

Thing is the new plant would cost significantly less than building a conventional plant. The supply chain is designed so that the parts can be made locally and not require shipping thousands of miles.

It’s not just the car he’s designed but a whole supply, logistics and production process which is designed to make the car much more cost effective to make. It is more than likely this that is the cause of it not being put into production. It really will take someone without the normal automative manufacturing baggage

Good! The verbal diarrhea is what puts me off playing online.

Maybe you are thinking of Lancia, which pulled out of the UK market, but Alfa are very much available.

I forgot to add that as well. I already wear one pair of glasses, I don't want to sit there wearing two.

I beg to differ, plenty of drag V Dubs in the UK

It didn't catch on because its crap. Unless you sit in the middle and look directly at the screen the image is fuzzy, but worse of all it makes your eyeballs ache badly.

Their contracts all ended two or three days after the annoucement was made which stated that his contract would not be renewed. They were filming the last segments and studio pieces when the fracas took place causing the show to be suspended. If he was fired his contract would have been cancelled, it was not, it was

He wasn’t fire, simply his TG contract was not renewed due to the incident. It was fortunate that the contract was almost up so the BBC could easily not renew and not have to pay out the remainder.

Agreed! Just like TG UK, it’s taken time for the chemistry to grow between the presenters of TG US. Leno would be terrible, I enjoy his web shows but they are nice and short, an hour of him would be too much.

Not an intern

Almost enough to tempt me

I do believe the Creme Egg available in Canada is the same as the UK albeit in new fangled packaging. You are also eating them wrong, the best way to do it is to freeze them. You cat eat the chocolate leaving you with a chewy foundant centre that melts and goes goey in your mouth.

Dominatrix Darth Vader was my favourite that I saw at Fan Expo Vancouver

A gluten free diet is the only treatment for celiac disease

I’ve flown Etihad business class a few times, it’s pretty amazing