
Because they are totally spineless and shit scared of the other media outlets in the UK. There has been a concerted campaign to have him sacked, lead by several newspapers of differing political leanings. Its normally the sort of thing that the BBC would have hushed up or not even made the press but because of the

Yep, my parents have one and they are in the late 60's

I'd pay for it if it was a sensible price, but its expensive and they have released it on a limited platform.......which is what I was getting at. Why not just release an HBO app for all platforms and reap the benefit of increased income?

Not really, I've never subscribed to HBO and yet I've seen every episode of GoT.

Google sold over 10 million Chromecast last year..............HBO have failed to grasp what the market wants, HBO Now available like Netflix & Amzon.

My Dad had an 850 when I was a kid. The engine died, something to do with the camshaft which ended up as a doorstop. The replacement engine came from the Multipla version and was 100cc or so larger so he would pretend that he had created his own Abarth version.

Much disappoint

I know they are fake, that's the point of this article, not once did I reference the reality of the meals. You ascerted an opinion that the USA meal was not that bad in comparison to the French meal, I merely disagree with you. I am betting the majority of Nutrionalists would agree with me, hell, a Nutrionalist will

The French 'school lunch' contains nothing processed or deep fried, where as only the peas aren't processed in the USA one. Fresh apple slices or syrup soaked fruit cup? Simple slice of roast beef or deep fried processed chicken nuggets? Chocolate chip cookie or fresh kiwi fruit?

Some Ford Europe models had those in the early 90's

Like any sketch show its hit and miss, but when it hits it hits well. It's definitely a grower.

Mansfield is a town, not a city.

Very strange..........maybe the Alabama plant wasn't fully up to speed

Possibly that yours is last of the old shape and mine was an early new model?

Good point, I stopped reading after the 'k'..................

Hyundai is in Alabama, my 07 Santa Fe was built there

Sunday is the first day of the week, so it's this weeks episode

Top Gear has become so popular because of things like racing an MX-5 against a greyhound, hell even my MiL watches it and she gives zeo fucks about cars.

I've felt that this season has been pretty good so far, they seem to have taken out a large chunk of the 'obviously' faked/humour stuff and have kept things relatively simple.

I particularly enjoy the rear view