Other than the image that was clearly not Neil Young, I guess.
Other than the image that was clearly not Neil Young, I guess.
Girl got a gripe and hippies shoulda known what Day it was.
Someone who played on "We Built This City" isn't people.
Are there other people named Jorma?
For real life and qualify fiction, yes. For a space-wizard movie, she's not even in the top half.
Yeah, the review seems to go out of its way to avoid that little gem. Do we still pretend some chicks are such hot sex machines they make gay guys straight?
Oh. Didn't know who the dad was. If alien, fine, whatever.
I must be watching the wrong comedies, but with the exception of "screenwriter proxy goofy loser scores model chick", don't most people in these wind up paired off as expected?
Maybe she was hoping that role would be a springboard to things that haven't managed to happen?
So, like Harold and Maude, but focus-group tested so no one becomes uncomfortable?
For some reason, probably completely imaginary, I always thought she was Latino. You know, that group known for their blonde-haired babies. Eh, I'm probably just wrong.
Mob Doctor!
Yeah, the evidence for Jesus is really, almost comically thin. That said, trying to walk it back with "but you can't prove a negative, so who knows?" didn't really save me at that one party.
You do wonder about the "haha, we got one of their guys for our movie!" effect, though in practice that seems unlikely to be successful. But enough of Cage, whither Lea Thompson? She was the hotness for a very specific part of my childhood.
Plus, the real value of a bottle episode: CHEAP! Use preexisting sets, introduce no new actors, dialog, dialog, dialog. Nothing cheaper to film than two people talking on a set you already own.
I own the Cameron (gag birthday gift), but it was just so sad. No research. Theories a chimp could see though. Utter terror at even a hint of sex. Six bucks and change F/X. I really felt sorry for it, no matter how terrible the underlying message. Seriously - dead Christians go to heaven. People fixated on the rapture…
Huh; not what I had guessed.
He was young and needed money?
I've only seen Sunset Boulevard which I mostly really liked. The parts with the scarily-young Jack Webb and the whole "last chance at escape" parts dragged for me though. But still an excellent movie. But never saw Eve.
Why? Who's their dad?