Flag On the Moon

The review makes this sound like something they'd use at Gitmo, but they just aren't that cruel. The excerpts listed make me want to throw the book at the wall, only I don't have it to throw.

You'd think it would be hard to mess up non-relative incest and "a powerful network of Vatican assassins", but then you think a little more and you realize it's actually extremely easy.

Maybe he has some outstanding parking tickets? Victoria, too.

Sort of… but that has a disturbing "know your place" subtext.

No, that's why we have to shave our bangs to make our foreheads look huge. It's gonna be a long day, all I'm saying.

Was she really a pop-culture person, other than that Diff'rent Strikes episode and a bunch of old movies no one alive saw?

Eh, a while back I was watching the edited, shortened Netflix shows from the 70s and 80s, and there was always tons of filler - I can't buy "few and far between". That's not saying it isn't worse now that it's long in the tooth, but it's never been consistently great and has always had skits with bafflingly bad

What if it was a CIA tail? Secret sandwich! Tasty.

"I will put a white man on Red Mars by 2020!"

Logically, once a week means you can really keep it tight, pick the best stories, not have to worry about filling time on a dull Thursday. That said, the expectations will be higher on a show-by-show basis.

Supergirl is starting to sound like that museum the small town has that no one goes to, but everyone is proud that their town has a modern museum with lots of art in it.

Well, at least now it can enjoy itself in Silicon Heaven.

I only know one gradma, and she was a horrible, awful person. I envy those who have relatives worth missing, even though it means they have to eventually miss them. Very sorry.

5000! Probably the realistic goal-ceiling for me this year, and I got it. Yay, and thanks to all the shows that failed so I could succeed! USA! USA!

That was one of the basic elements of the tea party. McCain was too moderate, and they couldn't forget about Bush fast enough.

No, I really, really dislike him. But maybe that's because the other two aren't even considerations for liking, like asking what your favorite episode of dysentery was.

Dear God, has America finally had enough of Eric Roberts? Who thought any of us would live to see this day?

It has to be something, though I wonder if it's more wanting to work with the Scorseses of the world, and wanting to make what they like. Upscale tastes aren't that different; there's only so much middle-aged white guy in crisis that even the 1% cares about, especially if it's in the past (or, like Luck, about a sport

Animals of all kinds in Hollywood desperately try to think of any reason they might be connected to 70s rock…

I was thinking that since the night proved people care about movies more than old-time rock and roll, they should have optioned Easy Riders, Raging Bulls instead. But apparently that happened already in 2003.