Not just black but a successful, smart and powerful liberal black woman. That is bingo for racists.
Not just black but a successful, smart and powerful liberal black woman. That is bingo for racists.
I am so fucking sick of this shit. Mainstream and prominent conservatives endlessly mocked Michelle Obama for having the audacity to look good while wearing fairly moderate sleeveless dresses and wanting to ensure children ate well! They both intimated as well as outright called her a man and a monkey/ape! Those that…
The working assumption now is that Donald Trumps doesn’t know anything, period.
I will. Don’t spit fire and act like an ass if you can’t fucking take it.
Well, if he studied history, Shiloh would learn that fighting the men in blue is a losing battle.
Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.
I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.
The mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, began the roll call at the Democratic National Convention earlier…
A lot of departments have actual iq caps, so hiring dumb people is clearly a conscious decision, not some kind of mistake that keeps happening. I doubt they are going to start hiring people capable of finding other solutions, since they train the not-smart people they hire to believe that everyone (ahem) they…
Unless their hiring standards change as well, zero of those applications are going to be accepted, if they display too much intelligence or empathy. Let’s not forget the guy from Connecticut who was rejected by the CPD because he was “too intelligent” and therefore deemed unacceptable because he may eventually…
Tall people problems. My posture was shitty for years before I started weight training.
Cool, why not update the video to include that moment? It’s a visual medium, and lots of people jump straight to the comment section without reading whatever you wrote. Why bother including video at all if your fallback is “I addressed that in the article”
I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.
This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.
and we have a well regulated militia. its called the fucking national guard so like this second amendment average citizen thing has never made sense to me. THE OPENING LINE IS ABOUT A MILITIA. If you have a weapon of war with zero regulation, and you aren’t in a militia. It. Doesn’t. Cover. You.
1. US Citizen.
“I am fired up and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary.”
That’s not that terribly surprising, a 12 year old has a shit load of energy and if she was already training for a distance run that’s not shocking she could pull the 13 miles.
These guys are everything that’s wrong with motorcyclists, and they’re why people hate us.
As to the conservative comment or the activity in each of the urban cores? Last time I was visiting family in Florida(a year ago), Downtown Burg was basically packed with people at all times... Tampa, not so much, even with the Riverwalk and ongoing redevelopment. I am amazed at the density of St. Petersburg too,…