Nee Charlie Tango

The Scaramucci Post is easy to understand: it’s your premier source for all things ‘Mooch, baby! Those who get it, get it! Those who don’t, well, they just don’t get the ‘Mooch Lifestyle (patent pending), baby! ‘Mooch doesn’t have time for explaining, baby, because ‘Mooch has some ‘Moochin to get to. ‘Mooch out!

Please don’t try and normalize this person. She’s a trainwreck.

I recently moved to a new community, and there is a certain color of hair — I think of it as “Republican Blonde” — that I see all over. It makes me wary of striking up conversations with people. Small talk isn’t as fun as it used to be.

That particular shade of Fox blonde is about looking fuckable to men in their 70s because their virile heyday was in the early 80s when bottle blonde was all the rage. Pure speculation.

Bleached blonde hair is no longer cool. It doesn’t look good; it looks tired and outdated and way too overdone. Stop doing this. You heard it here first. 

  • Megyn Kelly said she had “dreamed” of hosting an “uplifting” show for a long time, and that the “mission” of Megyn Kelly Today is to “deliver hope and optimism and empowerment.”

She was a nude model for men’s magazines. I don’t think her facial expressions were ever a focus of the photographs.

As an expat Canadian and former Torontonian, yes I say she is allowed to speak for us! I nominate Jessamina for Queen speaker of Toronto Canada!

I’m over people saying “free Melania” I felt bad for her during the inauguration, because that was not the life she signed up for. But she choose him, and continues to choose him every time she opens her mouth in public. No amount of “anti-bullying” advocacy, walking in Mrs. Obama’s veggie garden in $1400 shirts, or

Get that useless ass Melania out of my city and out of my country. We don’t want her here. And of all the events she could have travelled for, the American Invictus athletes deserve a representative that is a hundred times better. At minimum, someone who has held a legitimate job, has integrity, values freedom and

There’s always mischief in his eyes.

The translation of her smile: “You cheeky monkey you!”

There’s an old saying that goes “The person who wants the job least might be the best person for the job.”

anyone putting their kid on tv is exploiting them to some degree. the kids have no idea what is normal or not, and they dont get a say in the matter.

kim’s havent because of kanye. Kourtney’s kids are allll over the show. not to mention being raised by the fucked up shallow/materialistic/narcissistic women who run that show.

That upsetting. I understand there’s a level of manufacturing that goes into crafting the Kardashian public narrative but honestly we’re at the point where if Kris gets a creepy doll that is actually a leprechaun or maybe a warlock and they’re literally just the reboot of Passions.

They work fast either that or she’s Kims Surrogate. LOL

Fortunately, the chemical load on your body from sources other than pesticides (flame-retardants, BPA and BPH, dioxin, plastics, various things ending in “-phene”, weird chemicals in meat and milk) may have been lower during the time you were playing in the orchard, so your overall exposure may not be that bad.

Given that Dow/DuPont just bought 45, for the fire sale price of 1 million to his inauguration, they are rewriting every committee, price of legislature, and EPA ruling in their image. That one funded by the industry might just find his funding has vanished. Why pay to have quasi scientific studies published when you

Our population is unsustainable. We basically either starve or poison ourselves (and the rest of the planet) slowly.