
This is a more interactive form of news. It’s up to the reader to decide if it’s true or bullshit!

The report comes from one person and is filled with basic errors.

Why do you think the existence of the national security state is a conspiracy theory?

Greenwald requires evidence. Why do you believe unverified claims?

How is bullshit relevant to the public?


What does this have to do with my comment?

Yeah. I’m delusional because I require evidence before I believe something. Try it sometime.

You admit Obama avoided questions? So why are you upset at Trump doing the same?

it doesn’t work that way

Did you support the release of the DNC emails?

Extremely suspect evidence that is in no way conclusive. Did you even read those links?

Are you serious with this comment? You don’t think there is anything to criticize Obama for after being President for eight years?

It was all a vast right-wing conspiracy!

Obama never avoided questions?

lol. The popular vote doesn’t matter and there is no evidence Russia meddled in the election.

You didn’t like his answers. Did you call out Obama when he fudged or didn’t answer questions?

Trump was democratically elected while the intelligence agencies are secretive and unaccountable. IAs serves the President, the President does not serve IAs.