
There is no evidence of that.

It is pretty fucked up when the intelligence community tries to undermine the democratically elected President.



She shouldn’t have been punished in the first place.

I can completely understand why Trump and his supporters think the media is unfair to him.

Very serious person right here!

You are advocating the punishment of someone who exposed severe government malfeasance and you consider yourself a liberal?

True. But then we also have “liberals” who believe unsourced claims made by intelligence agencies, cheer on the imprisonment of whistleblowers, and support drone strikes.

It’s foolish not to believe this report?

What? You don’t have any evidence and just mindlessly repeat the self-serving claims of government officials? Got it.

What is the right way expose crimes on the part of the government? Snowden tried to alert officials to the abuses of the NSA but was ignored.

That’s the line from the government. Do you have anything to back this up?

Who were the victims?

Because it results in the deaths of several thousand innocent people and terrorizes entire populations. They are brown though so I guess they don’t matter.

Shhhhhh. Obama did nothing wrong!

Lol. How is Snowden worse? Because he went to Russia so he wouldn’t face a sham trial in the United States and be sentenced to life in prison?

Why do you support covering up government crimes?

She is a whistleblower and exposed horrific crimes on the part of the government..