I’ve heard the audio quality was higher on the Vita too, but I haven’t compared them personally. I played through it in a week on my Vita via Playstation+, 24 hours logged in 7 days before I got to the final ending. Can’t wait for the next one.
I’ve heard the audio quality was higher on the Vita too, but I haven’t compared them personally. I played through it in a week on my Vita via Playstation+, 24 hours logged in 7 days before I got to the final ending. Can’t wait for the next one.
Screw it. Where’s my D1 disc. I’ll brave the 640x480 resolution to kill the Lord of Terror once again!
God, I love the atmosphere of the original Diablo. 3 and even 2 don’t come close to matching that gothic horror feel from the original. The music was everything to it.
Combined with doors. Unlike pretty much every other boss, the Butcher can’t open doors.
Look at the F-4 in Vietnam. Blegh.
I haven’t pirated a game in at least 6 years. Between Steam, GOG and Origin making it easy (and often quite cheap) to get games on my PC and my own income increasing dramatically there’s just no need. If I want a game I’ll either impulse buy it or wait for it to go on sale. I’ve got no shortage in my backlog of games…
Probably Home, though the preview edition has always been Pro. We’ll have to wait and see, I suppose.
His eyes... his eyes...
If they’re going to charge out the ass for a bundle of new instruments, they could at least make it a full 4-player set. Who the doesn’t want a second guitar when getting a Rock Band set?
A lot of the indie games I played on my old 360, like Castle Crashers or Super Meat Boy, were better off using a d-pad for the digital input. And it just sucked.
I agree with you there for the most part, but I really like the DS4. It feels good in the hands and the sticks feel significantly better than it’s predecessors.
For the moment, yes. They didn’t say a thing about other platforms for this one.
Awww, you can’t take advantage of German Tax law anymore to pay for your shitty ass movies? And nobody wants to fund you? What a shame.
I bet that’d be perfect to pair with my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro for Elite: Dangerous, and probably a lot cheaper than a good HOTAS setup too.
It’s been on the PSN for ages
For something a bit more lighthearted, Kelly's Heroes has alwasy been one of my favorite WW2 movies.
Such a thing would be perfect for Elite: Dangerous or Star Citizen.
Huh, I have no idea why it wouldn't be working. All I have to do is open crosh and hit "ssh username@ipaddress" and it works right away for me. /shrug/
Huh, I have no idea why it wouldn't be working. All I have to do is open crosh and hit "ssh username@ipaddress" and…
Love my c720. Excellent value for $150. Great battery life, good enough screen, and a full web browser with extensions unlike most tablets.
Love my c720. Excellent value for $150. Great battery life, good enough screen, and a full web browser with…