
How about I just don’t buy the game? Too man other good games coming out to deal with their BS.

It’s weird. I think I have an extremely high level of brand loyalty, and I can’t really explain why, in all honesty. I am currently a VW guy, I own a 2009 GTI and my wife has a 2015 Beetle Classic. My car has been bar none the most un-reliable car I’ve ever owned (I have also owned a host of GM products from both

Because, you know, the Japanese LOVE their FPS’s.

If you buy it now... you get the same expansions you would get if you wait since they’re all free! So, reward the developers that treat you right, and Yacht Club Games absolutely treats their fans and customers right. :D

I AM SO EXCITE! (No seriously, I’ve bought and beat this game multiple times on no less than 3 systems and is one of my favorite games to come out in recent years. Thank you Yacht Club Games!!)

No. From :


There seems to be this need for e-sports to become more popularized than they currently are, and I’m ok with it, so long as it’s a game that people can watch and enjoy... EVEN if they don’t actually play the game. Obviously you’d be right in saying ‘Who give a shit what you think?’ but I consider myself a pretty

Its far and away one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory. This coming from someone that has over 240+ hours in Dragon Age Origins, and suffered through a great deal of Dragon Age 2 before throwing in the towel.

I have great respect for what was done with DA:O, but the biggest and most egregious insult that

Its far and away one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory. This coming from someone that has over 240+

Watching some of these videos makes me feel more distant from ‘Gaming Culture’ than I’ve ever felt in my life. I never got into FF7 or Shenmue, despite owning both and I never really understood their draw. For FF7 I can appreciate the impact that it may have had on kids that played it when it first came out, and while

Psh, Welcome to 1995

I’m just saying, do you REMEMBER the training sequence? There wasn’t one. You just asked some guy to let you train, then you ran to another person and told them to train you. The screen went black for a split second, it came back up and said ‘Congratz you can wear Power Armor now’. Talk about ‘Ticking the boxes’ to

I’m just saying, do you REMEMBER the training sequence? There wasn’t one. You just asked some guy to let you train, then you ran to another person and told them to train you. The screen went black for a split second, it came back up and said ‘Congratz you can wear Power Armor now’. Talk about ‘Ticking the boxes’ to

I was super disappointed with Fallout 3, but this looks intriguing. But I’ll still never get over just how jank it was that some open world game like Fallout 3 made it impossible for me to wear Power Armor without ‘learning how to put it on’ (Aka. following the linear plot progression). I spent a shit ton of time

Man I’m glad I read this. I was kind of interested in the game, but after hearing this I’m going to go ahead and pass.

Is that FAT JOE?!

I’m not sure why this is such a big deal honestly. Hell, even growing up me and my friends would almost ALWAYS (If not always) pick one of the Ninja’s and to this day we still main that particular Ninja (Assuming he’s in the game). My best friend Main’s Scorpion and has a secondary character mastered in Kitana, I main

This was much, much, much better...

As a former competitive TF2 player from WAY the hell back in the day, I don't give a shit about any of this extra stuff. But my ears perked up when I heard that people were running server of original Orange Box versions of the game without all the bullshit that got added to game later (Hates, Crates and after watching

Man I loved Cyborg Justice.... :(

Well at least it doesn't add more wang...