
Look, I get the hate for Metro UI and the full screen apps... but beyond that, what about the OS 'SUCKS', because those are basically the 2 things that changed from Windows 7. No start menu, and full screen metro apps (That you do not have to use). Because everything else got better in 8.1, including gaming

Honestly, I really don't the Metro UI, but I also don't actively use it. The rest of 8.1 is fine barring that, so its not like it actually gets in the way of things. I do really like the the new start menu in Windows 9 (At least the mock ups) with the tiles on top of the normal menu, at least from what I've seen on

I apologize for using well put together sentences? Maybe if I had obfuscated my facts with more 'Fuck's and 'you dumbass bitch' it would have read more like the drivel you're normally accustomed to reading on the internet?

It would appear that I know more about it than you in this situation. You have to have a fundamental understanding of both Linux AND Game Development to have the big picture, this isn't a dig on Linux, because I work with Linux on a regular basis as a systems admin. So don't for a second think that there is some

A fair point. Certainly no harm in testing new waters.

So you're under the impression that a company (MS) that gets absolutely thrashed for removing the 'Start' button, so much so that they put it back in in the next iteration of their OS, is going to single handedly lock out their entire OS, limit their most profitable product and alienate the entire PC market? I

I've never insinuated that Valve should stop evolving. But attempting to force people into an unstable and ultimately unworkable OS that doesn't support the one thing they want to do is not 'Evolving'. And yes, it was ALWAYS supposed to replace your PC, that's why it exsists, to get YOU off of Windows and onto Steam

With the growth of Steam, I don't think they've been in a position to need to 'advance and prosper' as they are currently doing just that. This was Gabe trying to throw a temper tantrum and stick it to MS over Windows 8 and the inclusion of the Windows Store offering up competition to the Steam Platform. As much as I

Not necessarily. If that were the case they could pull it off with something far simpler than the current SteamBox Setup. What they were trying to accomplish or prove, was that they didn't need MS or DirectX or any of the foundations that MS put in place by moving over to Linux and distributing their own OS. Since the

Anyone who truly believes that MS 'Screwed the Pooch' with Windows 8.1 is just drinking Forum Kool-Aid. The reality is, Windows 8.1 provided gamers with better performance in the games they were playing. Couple that with how overwhelmingly successful and dominant MS is as a company, and there isn't any need for an

I still can't for the life of me understand what world people lived in where they thought that this was going to be successful. And don't get me wrong, as a person with over 400 Steam games I'm certainly not against a 'Steam Console', but that is what my PC is, and its why it's hooked up to my 65" television with a

But... Why does Batman need remixing?

I think the problem with 'elite' gamers is the fact that they discredit the draw of more mainstream experiences. I absolutely love the CoD and Battlefield Franchises, but I also play Risk of Rain, Rouge Legacy, Dark Souls, Tomb Raider and a plethora of other titles that are out there. Aside from games being hugely

I hate to say it, but I'm with your 100% ... There are other videos out there about living with the FF that DO NOT require your money. And some of those FREE videos, are longer and filled with better information. Shame on you Jalopnik, and shame on /DRIVE.

I can only speak for myself, but, I played through D3 once on the PC during the Auction House era, found that the AH pretty much ruined what makes ARPG's fun (Finding awesome loot after bulldozing through a ton of enemies) and also really destroyed the difficulty curve. I wasn't compelled to play through again at the

I suppose that really depends on what you mean by depth. The thing I've always loved about the original Diablo games was the overall atmosphere, coupled with the skill system and the draw of ever better loot (Like most ARPG's). The part of PoE where I get turned off is that it seems a bit needlessly obtuse, coupled

I don't know how I missed that game, checking it out currently! Thanks for the recommendation :)

I feel like I'm the only one who can't get into that game... does the game get better after a little while? I was super un-impressed with the graphics, coupled with the fact that it just felt incredibly MMO like. I loved D1 and D2, played a crap ton of Titan Quest and its expansion, love Dungeon Siege and played more

Un-believable. If they offered quality content at a BETTER rate than when it was free... I would be happy to give them $4 a month. So sad to see this happen to /DRIVE, I thought that they would last longer than this :/

djmt : How long is the ACTUAL video comparison? If I'm going to pay for a service I hope I'm getting a crap ton more content then normal. And certainly I'd want to make sure I'm not getting a 10min review...