
I prefer Fords, but have worked at a Chevy dealership in the past. I like Corvettes, I'm just dissapointed as the previous two generations were very good looking cars, and the new one looks like a bunch of different designs slapped together IMO. I have seen several in person, and I just don't care for them. It's just

Lol, don't get me wrong, I like Corvettes, I'm just disappointed in the new styling.

Can always build another one. I'm just glad that the driver is okay.

At first I thought this was from GTA.. and then I realized the car didn't look good enough to be in GTA. Kinda sad when the designers of GTA were able to make a generic Corvette or should I say "Corquette" look better in the game than the new version in real life.

..and nothing of value was lost here.

Sounds good!

It shows that's its full with 5 quarts, so I guess I'll go with it lol. Dang, that sounds about the same as my commute, I drive 50-55 miles per day 5 to 6 times a week.. it adds up quickly!

I'm not sure, the dipstick shows that it is full with 5 in it., so i guess i'll just go with it lol. Dang, that's just about the same as my coummute from Newport to Allen Park 5 or 6 times a week. Good thing I have my little Escort

It is dual overhead cam, although it doesn't have the VVT that yours does though..

Hmm not sure if it's the quad cammer or not.. I'll have to check it tonight lol. Wish I had a quad cam in my mustang!

Dang, well hopefully my girl friends only needs 5.. because that's all i put in it haha.. it shows up fine on the dipstick though. Dang, you must have quite the commute!

Yeah, the 3.0 runs pretty well! I was impressed the first time I drove my girl friend's Escape! Nice!! That thing sounds awesome.. sent chills down my spine...

Now playing

My friend got this truck for 3 grand with a turbo 2300 and its a lot of fun.

Sorry to nitpick, but "Behind the blown motor sits a 5-speed manual.." First of all, blown engines are either destroyed or suprecharged, not turbo'd. I think you meant to say "boosted". Also, it's an engine, not a motor, and it has Bullitt wheels not Bullet wheels. Looks like a decent price for the truck, but I'd

I think it all depends on what strain you're smoking, how much you have smoked, and what your tolerance is. Some people I know can't do much of anything when they're stoned, and others drive much better while stoned. Having patience, being relaxed, and realizing how dangerous driving is all seems to help.

But for the price, who the hell cares if the chassis is tweaked a bit?!? I just bought a beat up F150, wish I coulda gotten this ranger for less than I paid.

Milans are nice, a co-worker has one with a manual!

Exactly, moved further down south in the Monroe area, and communing back and forth to Allen Park every day started costing me more than I wanted to pay. But the Escort rarely gets driven on the weekend!

Yeah it really is a shame, and it's mostly the attitude that the management gives us after we are working 45-5o weeks consistently. We never do enough. But yeah, I made the name when I had an old town car, and was looking for a foxbody, but I ended up with a Grand Marquis, 97 Mustang GT, 98 Escort and an 04 F150. No

That mustang really "blew" that camaro away.