His nut must not be worth a whole helluva lot.
But tits hanging out, FTW
Not sure, but I'm really tired of it.. already. Looks like crap. Hyundai, Ford, and now Cadillac.. wtf?
Except that the MKS looks a helluva lot better..
Looks to me like the next-gen DTS.. terrible.. GM keeps taking their old designs, and then making them worse.. Silverado, the GMC truck, this car and the list goes on..
Why must they always crush a mustang in these shitty films?
That plane is scary as fuck. I remember seeing one flying over a NASCAR race when I was 13 or 14.. and seeing one coming at you is terrifying.. even if you know it's part of the pre-race festivities.
Sadly? More like happily. But then again, they did take out the best part of the Corvette. It's probably in a Foxbody now.
Amen. The nose looks awful.. especially that shitty little grille in the center.. when I saw it at the detroit autoshow, the first thing I thought of, was a knock off Ferrari.
This wouldn't even be comparable once you start to factor in maintenance costs, and how easy it is to work on a vehicle.. I'd HATE to have to touch one of those new Ecoboost engines.. and I work for Ford.
I'm pretty sick of hearing all these stories and articles about Detroit. I just moved here a month ago from Colorado, and while it isn't the nicest place, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. All that these stories do is delay the progress the area is making. I had so many negative thoughts and opinions…
Hey should have headed for colorado.. why run to utah??
Funny how Daimler couldn't do anything with it, but FIAT could.. go figure.
ba dumbbmpphhhh chiiissshhh!
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
The new Corvette? Oh shit, in that thumbnail they look the same. And they're both ugly.
Seems like a pretty good deal to me!
This is stupid. People need to get a life, instead of spending all their time trying to prosecute others.. Did they kill someone? Injure anyone? Rob a bank?