
Yeup he said something along the lines of "everyone's seen the movie where the principal comes in and overcomes the obstacles in his/her way — it's called Lean On Me. This is a story about the assholes trying to stop the new person in charge."

I actually thought at first that couple was the redneck neighbor couple from Modern Family, but turns out that was Steve Zahn and Andrea Anders.

What's the font joke??

Ben, at one point her first episode, walks into the Oval Office and starts talking to the back of the body double.

You seem like the right person to ask about this.. One thing that's breaking my brain is if when Barry gets back to present time, and the Cisco and Caitlin and Pied Piper he sees are the same ones he left one year ago, then where's the Barry he left one year ago???

That guy had a serious Dennis Reynolds vibe.

Loved the 80's vibe when the Hilltop guy is standing in front with the red floodlights and "pulsing" music as you mentioned below.. The whole thing just said "Shit's about to go down"

Well he was holding the double styrofoam cups while introducing Future.

I read this exchange in Nick's and Schmidt's voices

"Well, great.. great, great.. Santiago has solved it."

"Well, great. Great, great. Santiago has solved it."

You sound like a one eyed looch.

If anyone can write a million words about Children's Hospital, it's LaFergs. She's great.

"I have over nearly 10 years of experience in the corporate world."
"What's 'over nearly 10?'"
"'Nearly 10' would be eight or nine years. I have over nine years."
"That's different, yeah."

"This show is nuts."

"… You should know I was raised a femininst and I have a very strong female side to me. So even though on the outside I appear masculine and rugged… on the inside, you know, I feel like I can relate to you."

Man on bridge to Garvey:
"I put the pussy in a sarcophagus"


The Guilty Remnant was formed after The Departure, but they got actively violent after the Zombie Apocalypse.