
If my wife is any indication, the sex robot turing test will be passed with indifference and apathy.

That is an apocalyptic vision which ruined my day.



If only we had some idea why the temperatures have been so weird recently. It’s a shame we’ll probably never know.

I wish I got extra muffs for points in my fantasy punter league

You’re absolutely correct.

I honestly don’t care if he had a record or if he didn’t. It’s completely irrelevant.

THAT would be worth the fucking paying for the NFL Redzone

Bass, I’m not stalking you - I swear.

Well....we agree that privilege is the source of many problems.

I am so against conspiracy theories, but I’m at the point where a significant part of me agrees with you. And that makes me sad/angry/hopeless....all at once.

That was absolutely heart breaking shit.

Dear Mr. Bass guitar,

If it does, I’m in. The cap seals the deal.


Ryan Grant.

“The entire US Government could be overthrown...”

You put a good amount of work into fixing that...