
why did the dude leave his homie behind? What a dick!

i just wanna say that i FUCKING LOVE THIS COMMENT!!!! And the only thing i LOVE more is how butthurt robotic people dont get the sarcasm. PC CULTURE IS CANCER

fucking eh!! I am there!!! Thank you Jalops!

like we need another reason to dislike her.....

i have to ask, was it 510??

SUNNY days from here on out!

Any word on price?

“WE” how many do you have?

Bro, if you wanna argue numbers on this forum, let them be HP to weight ratios. I think you missed the whole article.


youre assumptions are lame. ANd again i remind you of the best president since Reagan in still in office today.

naw man, im not a liberal crybaby


guess what? Im gonna vote for Trump 2020 just cause of shit like this

Gotta get used “ the world of motorsports is unjust cause he was a white male..” without saying it bro. Little jabs here in there. Slowly ive been retreating my internet sites because of this shit.

You had to go of all places. Get in your Camry and leave please.

Sounds like they just started pumpin their own gas..the whole lot.

YOU, are fake news. You are triggered AF

I could give a fuck less about Trump and/or politics. So Jason, with all due respect. Go fuck yourself. Just the car shit, please. I come here for the cars. not the politico bullshit i am surrounded. You are polluting the one place i like to go to without seeing this garbage.

If *insert your favorite politician or celebrity here* follow all tax loopholes and stays within the law then its perfectly fine right? Then why do people bitch about it when they do it. Does that make you a special kinda asshole for whining about it? #releaseyourtaxfiles