
I agree with you on the HGH thing.

Only in America are people expected to suffer a debilitating injury playing a sport and then expected to forgo the right to the most advanced medical treatment for that injury in the name of “fairness.”

Your comment reminds me of something I do at any bar association events. Any time I get a compliment, I say “no, I’m not (insert good adjective here), but (insert either name of partner or the firm of the person I am talking to) is definitely known for (being that aforementioned good adjective). Then I take a long

Lance Stevenson and JR Smith are broke-ass John Starks.

Ok, so he's a basketball player. That don’t impress a me much...

I laughed then soaked up the sun.

If it makes her happy, it can’t be that bad.

this is happening to you because you’re the only one left that hasn’t gotten andie MacDowell to fall in love with them

Took all 3 posts for me to get it. +3

I think maybe we’re a groundhog’s day situation. I’m going to grab a toaster and get in the tub to test out the theory.

Now make ‘em kiss.

When reached for comment, Dan Gilbert issued the attached response.

Reached for comment, Kevin Love said, “I can’t really defend his firing. Or the job he did as coach. ...Actually, I can’t defend anything. Please don’t ask me to.”

LeBron only travels on offense.

I gave you a star but then I saw you called it “dope” and I took it away.

Of course I watched last season.

With the second pick of the 2016 NFL draft, the Cleveland Browns pick....

When did Dwyane Wade retire?

I really don’t get the Hathaway thing. She’s never done anything that even remotely annoyed me. She exists and she has a job that requires her to be out there for me to see on a semi-regular basis. She geberally seems to say nice things about people. I feel like we have similar political leanings. I bet we could share