Or a liberal.
Or a liberal.
Thanks for the mea culpa. I see your point.
“I hate the entire Greek system”
Good, good. Let your hate flow through you.
It seems like nothing counts as bribery any more unless you have a signed agreement specifying the quid pro qu0.
Well, if you want to split hairs, he admitted to buying Democrats.
Dick Cheney was the best vice president in American history.
Keep your idiotic leftist crap off Jalopnik please. It’s where I go to escape people like you.
I’ve been cooking dogs in my toaster oven and they come out great. Put a piece of aluminum foil over the tray first and there’s almost no clean up needed.
N0 way, that carpet is biohazard level nasty.
I tend to order things I can’t or won’t make at home.
Yes, Gawker is creepy.
Apparently the Chinese love Buicks and KFC. I never saw that coming.
That sure sounds right.
dopaz is right. ‘You broke it by using it’ is a lame excuse.
Cool Hand Luke car wash scene anyone?
And if they would have spilled a giant beverage in the car. Then what?
You mean Redskins 9?
I agree. The article is petty.