Fishcopernicus Reducto

I read a tumblr theory once where Ariel is really a superdorky biologist. She’s not in in love with Erik as a person, but the world he represents. She’s essentially one of those people who live in London or whatever, then move to the jungle to study baboons.

I feel old when these preteen looking dudes are regarded as hot. I mean, I guess he’s only 5 years younger than me, but..I dunno, folks.

Maybe they mean Charli XcX? I dunno, I like it.

I wonder if I could get away with making this for Christmas?

My household drinks boxed wine. It’s the same type we drink in a bottle, but cheaper.

Right? I’m not a huge fan of hers, but at least I know who she is. I still don’t know who Pete Davidson is- other than that he seems kinda creepy.

It’s never happened to me. I ascribe this to luck and my very large, very scary sisters though, rather than other women “doing it wrong”.

Before you yell at me because you’ve never heard of him, Bad Bunny is rapper from Puerto Rico and you’re either old or have bad taste in music (sorry!!!).

I like to think they were straight up trolling.

I saw Annie Hall in high school film studies.

The CGI Barbie movies are actually pretty legit, honestly.


“necrosaurian empress” is a bitchin’ name.

I’m glad I’m not alone in finding this inappropriate.

We usually keep 6 or 7 in the freezer and one in the fridge at all times-more if there’s a sale. Never noticed the weird odour-possibly because all we keep in the freezer is frozen fruit. But this is a good idea that I ought to adopt.

There is no lie here.

Heh. My friend did the garter toss...her tiny 4 year old cousin caught it and it became a bandana. I remain amused.

Same. Harry Potter did, and does, mean a lot to me. But I’m just so tired.

“The all-knowing Cartographer did not have average things in mind for you when he handcrafted your diaphragm and then breathed into you the beginning of your journey.” is gold though.

God forbid a famous person not use her kid as a prop.