I guess you didn’t read this article then: https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/this-is-how-the-deadspin-staff-is-voting-1788679072
I guess you didn’t read this article then: https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/this-is-how-the-deadspin-staff-is-voting-1788679072
I just...this baby died of privilege. That’s exactly what this is and it’s gross and sad.
would you shut up about the Electoral College? Christ. It exists for a reason.
Why is the target of this article Jack? Shouldn’t it be all of the artists who work with him? Why is it his responsibility to say “no” when asked to help with a song or album? Why isn’t it Taylor Swift’s responsibility to not ask him in the first place?
Look I like snark as much as the next gal but this seemed a little too accusatory. Joanna didn’t “Give Chip a gift of 5 children,” they decided together, as a married couple, to have 5 kids. And they can make that decision together to have a sixth if they so choose. I don’t think Chip was saying “I’m going to force my…
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
The HuffPost report said the fight broke out after protesters knocked a “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy’s head.
But the Nazis were human, and they weren’t all, always, 100% evil. They weren’t a monolith devoid of contradictions and complexity. It’s very tempting to fall for the idea that depicting history in easy, black and white (no pun intended) terms where there are evil people on one side and good people on the other, will…
And so I ask you, our dearly beloved swath of super wealthy, very appreciated, devoted Kinja commenters: do you know who is backing Musk’s bid?
The only reasonable reaction is the following:
Splinter is a few rows over, bud.
Every animal dies. Not every animal truly lives.
Where’s his job offer from the New York Times?
“time when the country was harmonious and righteous, and the only scandal was Obama wearing a tan suit.”
Propped up on your elbows on the wall-to-wall carpet in your parents’ den on Saturday mornings.
This is all very concerning, however, the ‘circumstances’ seem to be various types of attempts at penetration and/or vote manipulation at various places. Saying that they penetrated a registration system remotely and that hackers at a convention hacked voting machines manually (in their posession) and various…
For once, you don’t know what you’re talking about.