
Just more social pressure for woman to conform and wear bras shave legs and do basically what society aka men tell them to do. So sad that women like Spears participate in it but I guess follow the money

Hi Lavar - Firstly let me start by saying that I love what you do but even more then that I love who you are which brings me to my question for you - How did you decide what to do and how did you decide when to do it?

Oh gimme a break


Just one woman has to be replaced by two men sounds about right to me

Gimme a break I know plenty of business owners and franchise owners of bigger businesses like Dunkin Donuts and guess what - all support Obama because all are smart hence owners.

It's not over priced if you have enough means to shop there

Yes he is obviously

I can't believe he doesn't support Obama though

If you work there sure, but if you don't what are they doing? They are working against Obama who is taking care of those people...

I gotta say I'm really surprised about that. I don't know if I can shop there again.

I didn't think it was possible because Whole Foods is so nice but now I'm hearing that the CEO actually hates Obama so maybe it is true.

If the CEO of Whole Foods doesn't like Obama than I am seriously going to consider whether I shop there anymore. I'm sorry but politics and business are lines that just should not cross especially when its something negative like not liking Obama and.... Gee.... I wonder why he doesn't like him.........

I doubt this is true though...

Are you serious that the CEO hates Obama?

This is why I go to Whole Foods...