
How come in three combat deployments the standard was to wait until fired upon to fire back? Thousands of military can do this in an active war zone, but police here are so worried for their lives that they must shoot first?

I work in a psychiatric hospital that serves primarily lower income patients. We know that people are sacrificing in many ways by being there. Saying “it’s good that you were able to do some self care” is an attempt to put a positive spin on that sacrifice.

Self-care is a really simple and yet really weird, complex

The most sickening part of the story is that a FUCKING NURSE, who understands the medical situation, called Border Patrol on the parents of a 2 MONTH OLD INFANT in surgery. And I fucking guarantee that Nurse Nancy considers herself a good christian woman when she tells the story to her bible study group after church

NOOOOOOOO!!! Enough! Sabrina doesn’t need to be gritty! It was a fun lighted-hearted show and I LOVED IT. Can no one create an original idea anymore!?

You might say that my ideals are unrealistic, and that coming from Quebec I am out of touch with the reality of American civic life in all its painful complexity.

God, that grinds my gears every time. MSNBC has a woman who literally wrote a book about the military, but do they have her moderate? Of course not, gotta give that mediocre white man a chance to shine!

Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.

This is exactly how the nonprofit world was for me. Execs were paid through the roof, regardless of performance, while admin staff qualified for food stamps.

Or just find a sport that isn’t 12 minutes of play surrounded by 2 hours of commercials.

I don’t have a problem with vending machines or having them in more places. My problem is more with this actual pitch for trying on purpose to get rid of bodegas and acting like their idea is this new amazing thing when really it’s something that’s always existed.

But in Japan they have vending machines for everything - and still have stores. I feel like the US as a whole is way behind on convenience.


I’m seriously under the assumption that people really do use social media as a replacement for therapy because it really is crazy out there.

Thank you! The advent of social media and the instant gratification complex it has created gives dumb ass people too much power. Instead of simply enjoying the show, turning off the tv, or turning the channel, mugs get online harping about petty-ass shit that’s more your issue and anyone else’s, instead of looking

An important thing to consider about the DMCA strikes is what the DMCA actually is and does for IP holders. The DMCA is a modification upon already existing copyright law in compliance with the WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996. A summary of the whole treaty is linked, but here is the relevant portion;

I’m writing a book about my life now and I’ve called myself a stupid thot in my head at least 17 and a half times already.

See... I rocked with your list, I’m all sitting here, going along for the ride. Then you go and do number 8 and number 10.

I would love for them to live elsewhere. Did you read the piece? And “white flight” was when white people left the inner cities because one or two black families moved in (i.e., racism) and said landlords and owners stopped taking care of properties, turning them into slums. Gentrification is in some ways the reverse

Why in God’s good name does anyone need a bar at the grocery store.

If you want $50 olive oil, you can find it at Whole Foods, but the $6 version is on the same shelf. I live in the neighborhood, and the prices at Pioneer Market a few blocks away are comparable, some items were even more expensive, and none as fresh. I wish we would please stop with the ‘Whole Foods is too expensive’