
Same actress!

Apparently Earth-2 Laurel will be on Flash this season, so maybe she'll just swing on over to Arrow for season 5.

Was a huge fan of the Morgan LeFlay character they introduced in Tales, would love to see her more.

Josh could have easily been written out or stayed the flat-as-a-board character that he was first portrayed as, but the writers took a lot of aspects of his life seriously: his religion, his family and heritage, and even his long-term desires. Great character development.

I loved this show and cried during the finale, I will greatly miss it.

Haha, no, and that's the big problem. The sole developer worked on the game for 4+ years.

The game is quite playable with a controller, but due to the game's heavy reliance on the XNA framework, console ports will be pretty difficult unfortunately.

Anyone else playing Stardew Valley? I've got like 20+ hours into it and I love it, grew up playing Harvest Moon and this finally feels like the "perfect" Harvest Moon game. The series' best features distilled into a beautiful PC game that is incredibly engaging and has that "just one more day" feeling where it's so

Fell in love with Phil Noto's art in the last run of Black Widow, so it's cool to see a variant from him up there!

Hey I didn't know where else to share this but I was reading the comic "Concrete - Think Like a Mountain" which was published in like 1996 and it had a letter from "Ken Jennings" with an email address at BYU. I shared it with Ken on twitter a few times but he never said anything back and I don't want to be a creeper

Actually watching the montage I believe he's remembering/recalling the incident from memory.

Have you read any other of Priest's work?

I read the book after I saw the movie and thought the movie was much better in telling the story. The book is also a bit "fantasy-ish" in its explanations where the movie is more science fiction.

We also very clearly see it work during the montage at the end when Jackman has to shoot himself.

I had to literally cover my ears when the rocket took off from Earth it was so loud. Great movie but there were some weird sound choices like with the dialogue being so low at times, which apparently was intentional.

Probably giving the Star Wars hype machine a bit of a rest so it can be cranked back up for Halloween. Disney/Marvel also have a Captain America movie and Doctor Strange which is a brand new movie property.

Oh geez, right above her eye, glad she recovered all right from that.

Wife and I heard "Stark" too but Snart makes a lot more sense.

This reminds me of Mom on Pop, I want more Mom on Pop!