What I really want is the original Streamline dubbed audio from Kiki's Delivery Service, super rare.
The Office - Gay Witch Hunt
I recently read it and I'm very new to comics and a lot of issues fell flat with me. Bizarro World issue immediately comes to mind, though I can recognize some of the series' high points (Superman creates his own Superman-less Earth), I'm not sure I appreciated them as much as a long-time comics fan would.
A few months ago I asked these comments where to start with comics and someone suggested Fraction's Hawkeye run and that's where I started, the very best of choices too. Wonderful comic. Other stuff I've enjoyed since then: Superior Foes of Spider-Man, Waid's Daredevil run, Kingdom Come, and the beginning of Locke and…
Saw this link on twitter and thought it was going to be a Rabin My World of Flops article.
All pressure tests must be dreaded.
Yeah, I liked it a lot, community grade is overwhelmingly high too for Ready Player One. I figure just AV Club backlash now that this book sucks or something.
I was really surprised when I found out the lousy dad from 24 was Carth and Kaiden.
I've loved these guys since Cheap Seats and a few years ago they were in Madison filming a Netflix special, so I might be in the show, never actually watched it on Netflix. If this comment bores you also consider that Nathan Rabin was at the show so we just got doubly relevant in just two sentences.
Super Mario Maker looks fantastic. Not sarcastic, but I didn't see anyplace to talk about the previous Nintendo show.
Had no idea what you meant but a simple search of "g dash d" points to an article about Judaism, so I guess I learned something this Thursday night.
Hannibal does so much with so little though, I think there were only about six speaking parts in that entire episode and two of them were bit parts by the doctor and random Italian cop. I think I just wanted to really believe she was alive.
Fantastic episode… fell for the Abigail trick too. Kasey Rohl is great.
Was anyone else's pretty much only exposure to They Might Be Giants on that one Animaniac's episode?
Almost finished with Technobabylon, another excellent point and click adventure from Wadjet Eye Games.
Single take but his stunt double comes out of the room at the beginning for the fight.
Would you show them the extended cuts or theatrical? I have a 6 and 4 year old and have been planning watching my favorite movies with them for years but we started the original Star Wars trilogy and they're just "sorta" interested so I don't want to force things on them to become their dad and this has become a…
Is it…? It's certainly more overstuffed with some sections going… on… forever… I love both books but I think if I ranked them I'd still put the first higher.
Even Guybrush wants to escape Escape from Monkey Island.